Juju 1.17.5 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
curtis at canonical.com
Fri Mar 14 21:11:49 UTC 2014
juju-core 1.17.5
A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.17.5, is now available.
Getting Juju
juju-core 1.17.5 is available for trusty and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:
Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not
supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases
to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade
production environments to 1.17.5.
If you are using a development release of juju-core, and find you need
to go back to a stable release, you can find it in the juju stable PPA:
If you have multiple sources of juju-core, you can select the version
you want using apt:
sudo apt-get install juju-core=1.16.6*
New and Notable
* Juju support for juju-mongodb is temporarlly removed. The feature
will be restored when it is more complete.
* Bash completions include flags, machines, services, and units
Resolved issues
* Interface br0 not brought up by cloud-init script with MAAS provider
Lp 1271144
* Precise does not install the lxc package from ubuntu-cloud.archive
Lp 1289316
* juju-run symlink is broken after upgrade-juju
Lp 1291207
* Cannot perform multiple upgrades
Lp 1290684
* Juju client probes for tools directly (need FindTools in API server)
Lp 1290316
* Juju init creates a file that includes comments recommending -e to
switch environments
Lp 1221134
* juju-mongodb breaks 1.17.4 trusty client bootstrap in CPC
Lp 1286279
* Juju command line does has no support for proxies
Lp 1256849
* Proxy not used when launching lxc-create
Lp 1271115
* Error starting unit upgrader on local provider
Lp 1285901
* Unit agent fails to start after restart - run.socket:
connection refused
Lp 1286213
* Cannot bootstrap or destroy local env after cancelling bootstrap
Lp 1273295
* Add a "test-mode: true" config option for charm store interactions
Lp 1276462
* Juju 1.17.2 metadata image generation doesn't work in $HOME
Lp 1278213
* Destroy assumes it is called from "juju destroy-environment"
Lp 1281863
* Cannot deploy a local charm which happens to contain a config.yaml
in a sub-directory
Lp 1290266
* The juju-local package must install rsyslog-gnutls
Lp 1285550
Command completions include flags, machines, services, and units
Bash command line completions are improved. Pressing the TAB key will
complete commands:
$ juju de<TAB>
debug-hooks deploy destroy-machine
destroy-service debug-log ...
Command flags:
$ juju deploy <TAB>
--config -n --repository -u
--constraints --num-units --to --upgrade
Machines, Services, and Units:
$ juju destroy-machine <TAB>
0 --force
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juju-dev at lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.
Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations
More information about the Juju-dev
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