Splitting out state/api into its own repo
John Meinel
john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Jun 27 06:21:40 UTC 2014
Just my quick thought, I think moving it out from "state/api" into just a
top level "api" would be reasonable and a lot less clumsy than trying to
pull it out into an entirely separate repository.
I'm not sure if Gustavo realized that "state/apiserver" is the HTTP(-ish,
its really just JSON rpc over a websocket) interface to state. "state/api"
is all go client code (agents or user client code). And it would at least
be really nice for all those things to have an import test that says "does
not depend on anything under "state".)
It certainly would make it clearer that nothing that is using the api
should import something from, say, apiserver, or state directly.
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 9:23 PM, roger peppe <rogpeppe at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a slightly different proposal, inspired by the recent
> Go proposal for internal imports (http://golang.org/s/go14internal),
> which currently looks like it will actually be implemented.
> We move all public facing APIs into top level packages within
> the juju repo, and move everything else under
> github.com/juju/juju/internal
> Packages I would suggest should be exported:
> github.com/juju/juju/api // moved from state/api
> github.com/juju/juju/cmd/juju
> github.com/juju/juju/cmd/jujud
> ... (all the other commands, but not the cmd package itself)
> github.com/juju/
> github.com/juju/juju/cmd/internal/jujucmd // containing
> supercommand.go from current cmd
> github.com/juju/juju/juju // but only the API-related pieces
> Some packages would want moving, because they're user-facing
> but currently inside packages that we would probably not want to
> export:
> github.com/juju/environs/configstore
> is the only one I can think of right now.
> Others would want splitting. For example, the environs package
> is a mix between user-facing and internal stuff right now.
> It would be great to take out all the user-facing config file stuff
> (that might sit
> well inside the juju package).
> Still others would benefit from being made available externally.
> I think the rpc package is probably one of those that would
> sit well inside its own repo.
> Some packages could benefit from having their own internal
> directory - the uniter is one of those, for example. The
> apiserver too has many sub-packages that should not really
> be visible to the rest of juju.
> In the end, we should end up with an API that it might actually be
> feasible to stabilise. I'd like juju to move under gopkg.in at some
> point, providing useful stability guarantees for external users
> that might want to build Go programs based on our code.
> cheers,
> rog.
> On 26 June 2014 17:41, Eric Snow <eric.snow at canonical.com> wrote:
> > (I've put a more structured proposal below, but here's some context.)
> >
> > Over the last couple weeks I've been spinning up on the juju code
> > base, which is large enough to dissipate any hope of understanding it
> > all quickly. <wink> Most of what I've focused on is relative to the
> > juju tools and the remote API, both for the sake of backup/restore.
> >
> > One thing that threw me off is that it has not been obvious that the
> > code under `state/api` is the public-facing API for juju's state (as
> > someone recently explained to me). For a while I thought `state/api`
> > held the state API client code, but from what I understand now it
> > actually contains all the public facing code for the juju state API
> > (and [consequently?] for juju as a whole?). In some regard I would
> > expect a public API to be sit in a top-level package (rather than
> > nested down like it is).
> >
> > A couple of other things got in the way. For one, we basically don't
> > have any documentation for the API. I expect that it will mirror the
> > documentation for the juju subcommands/tools pretty closely, but
> > regardless the doc doesn't exist. Setting up godoc for the api
> > package would be great and so would a new page in the juju
> > documentation. I realize there has been some discussion on this point
> > of late, from which I expect a doc will take shape in the short term.
> > In the meantime, we've actually been telling people to wrap calls to
> > the CLI tools rather than using the API. The documentation side of
> > things is a somewhat orthogonal, though topically related, issue.
> >
> > For another, while there has been a pretty good effort to keep the
> > `api` package relatively un-entwined from the rest of juju, there were
> > a few times when I found it hard to follow what was going on. This
> > was particularly true of the underlying state RPC implementation,
> > though at this point things make a lot more sense. Having a separate
> > repo would help delineate the boundary between the API and juju
> > itself, which should in turn help make the API code easier to follow.
> >
> > So...
> >
> > In the interest of understanding juju better and of making the API
> > more accessible, I took a little time to investigate possible
> > improvements. One of the first ones to come to mind was to split
> > `state/api` into its own repo. That smelled like a heavy lift
> > especially considering the many interdependencies between `state/api`
> > and juju proper (though apparently `go` mitigates that somewhat).
> >
> > Undaunted, I gave it an initial stab (see `Implementation` below).
> > The bulk of this effort was fixing all the imports, which I ended up
> > writing a script to solve. All the tests pass on both sides. I
> > wouldn't be comfortable with the split as-is (see `Left to do` below)
> > but it demonstrated to me that it is possible.
> >
> > That said, *possible* should not imply *advisable*, and given my
> > inexperience with the juju project I don't presume to do much more
> > about splitting out an api repo without feedback. At the very least
> > this will be a chance for you to educate me (and presumably others)
> > about the juju code base. :) If the code split is a bad idea then
> > this is your change to officially put the idea to rest. (It would not
> > surprise me if I've misunderstood something important here!)
> >
> > If illumination and a public rejection of the idea are all that come
> > of this I'll still be satisfied. However, I'm hopeful that it's a
> > good enough idea to warrant the effort and that I understand enough
> > about juju at this point to have at least a vague sense of that. :)
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > -eric
> >
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> > Proposal
> > ======
> > * split `github.com/juju/juju/state/api` into its own repo
> > * place the new api repo at `github.com/juju/api`
> > * reduce dependencies in the new repo on the code in the main juju repo
> > * introduce a juju API client interface type
> > * godocs for the `api` package (should happen regardless)
> > * more? (see `Open questions below`)
> >
> > Pros
> > ===
> > * helps bless the API as a supported first-class feature of juju
> > * makes the API more discoverable
> > * encourages a stronger separation between the public API (and
> > implementation?) and juju proper, including on the server side
> > * reduces the chance that we inadvertently change/break the public API
> >
> > Cons
> > ====
> > * touches a lot of code
> > + churn
> > + requires that a lot of (most?) outstanding patches be updated
> > * risk of introducing new bugs
> > * effort to make the split
> > * effort to reduce dependencies in the new repo
> > + the API *implementation* is tightly entwined with juju proper?
> >
> > Open questions
> > ===========
> > Here are some questions that have bearing on this proposal. Some of
> > them would directly impact the scope of the proposal. Others could be
> > addressed separately (to spread the scope out in manageable chunks).
> >
> > * is `state/api` just for the state client/RPC, juju state in general,
> > or juju as a whole?
> > From what I understand, it is the middle one (though I originally
> > thought it was the first).
> > * is there other public juju API other than the state-related API?
> > * should the `api` repo contains *all* public-facing juju API
> > (state-related or not), regardless of whether or not `state/API`
> > currently does?
> > This would imply that the `api` package would be restructured to
> > reflect various APIs (e.g. `api/state/client`).
> > * should `api` hold just interfaces and constants, leaving the actual
> > implementation in the main juju repo (or just tucked away within the
> > new `api` package)?
> > It could also include a public wrapper around the implementation.
> > * would it be worth restructuring the `api` package to group the
> > different methods/constants/types by component (e.g. charms/state
> > archive/tools/services/units/etc.)?
> > This would particularly impact `api/params`.
> > * how much should dependencies in juju proper on the `api` package be
> > dialed back?
> > I'd think it would be as much as possible. More encapsulation
> > around the API/RPC part of juju would be good. <waves hands> This
> > could go as far as to include portions (most?) of the server side of
> > the state RPC within `api`.
> > * should the underlying state client RPC implementation move over with
> > `state/api` (or even into its own repo)?
> > Like the client implementation, the RPC code could be tucked away
> > within `api`.
> >
> > Implementation
> > ===========
> > I've put up a rough implementation of the split that passes the test
> > suite on both sides:
> >
> > https://github.com/ericsnowcurrently/juju-api
> > https://github.com/ericsnowcurrently/juju/tree/state-api-repo
> >
> > Keep in mind that it's already out of sync, but the point is that it
> > works. :) I also have a script that updates the imports (mitigating
> > the burden of doing so manually).
> >
> > Left to do
> > =======
> > * reduce dependencies in the new api repo
> > * add an API client interface type
> >
> > Alternatives
> > =========
> > * apply some of the ideas here to `state/api` rather than in a new repo
> > * move some or all of `state/api` into a new top-level `api` package
> > in juju proper
> >
> > --
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