Actions document - suggested changes

Tim Penhey tim.penhey at
Thu Jun 26 04:47:59 UTC 2014

Today as on call reviewer I was looking through some pull requests
specific to actions, and it brought up many questions.

On reading the spec[1] and looking at the state documents as they are in
trunk now, I was quickly coming to the conclusion that the documents
need to change.

Right now we have two action related documents:

type actionDoc struct {
	// Id is the key for this document.  Action.Id() has a specfic form
	// to facilitate filtering the actions collection for a given unit,
	// or in the future a given service.
	// The format of the Action.Id() will be:
	//   <unit globalKey> + actionMarker + <generated state sequence>
	Id string `bson:"_id"`

	// Name identifies the action; it should match an action defined by
	// the unit's charm.
	Name string

	// Payload holds the action's parameters, if any; it should validate
	// against the schema defined by the named action in the unit's charm
	Payload map[string]interface{}


type actionResultDoc struct {
	// Id is the key for this document.  The format of the id encodes
	// the id of the Action that was used to produce this ActionResult.
	// The format is: <action id> + actionResultMarker + <generated sequence>
	Id string `bson:"_id"`

	// ActionName identifies the action that was run.
	ActionName string

	// Payload describes the parameters passed in for the action
	// when it was run.
	Payload map[string]interface{}

	// Status represents the end state of the Action; ActionFailed for an
	// action that was removed prematurely, or that failed, and
	// ActionCompleted for an action that successfully completed.
	Status ActionStatus

	// Output captures any text emitted by the action.
	Output string

I think these should be combined, and there are quite a few missing
fields that are clearly expected from the spec:

	invoked:  TIME
	started:  TIME
	finished: TIME
	    - this is a tricky one

Obviously we are also missing the user that asked for the action.

Consider the following structure:

type actionDoc struct {
	// InternalId is opaque and you shouldn't care
	InternalId string `bson:"_id"`

	// UUID is the unique identifier for this action
	UUID string

	// EnvUUID is the environment UUID, and is here because
	// we know we want it when we have multiple environments
	EnvUUID string

	// Action is the name of the action, eg 'backup', 'restart'
	Action string

	// UnitName is the name of the unit that the action will
	// run on
	UnitName string

	// Payload holds the action's parameters, if any; it should
	// validate against the schema defined by the named action
	// in the unit's charm
	Payload map[string]interface{}

	// User is the user that requested this action
	User string

	// Invoked is when the action was requested
	Invoked time.Time

	// Started is recorded when the execution of the
	// action is started.
	Started *time.Time

	// Finished is recorded when the execution of the
	// action has completed.
	Finished *time.Time

	// ReturnCode is the result of the action
	ReturnCode *int

	// Results are defined and set by the action themselves.
	Results map[string]interface{}

	// Files is interesting, in that they should probably live
	// in the environment file storage, what was cloud storage
	// and is now GridFS, under some particular directory:
	// perhaps  /actions/<uuid>/<filename>
	// Both stdout and stderr are recorded as files.  They are
	// only added if they are not empty.
	// Other files can be added by the action.
	Files []string


status becomes an emergent property:
  if Started is nil
  if Finished is nil
  if ReturnCode is 0 (not nil)

Queues, Lists, and Results are just queries across this document set for
the environment, optionally scoped to unit names and users.

Does that seem reasonable to other people?



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