Schema migration process
Menno Smits
menno.smits at
Thu Jun 12 21:25:03 UTC 2014
That's odd because it's the same document as before that people (including
yourself) commented on. I've just double-checked and it open for anyone to
view and Canonical people to view and edit. Were you perhaps not coming in
via your Canonical account?
On 12 June 2014 21:35, John Meinel <john at> wrote:
> oh, and you shared the doc, but you didn't allow comments or editing, so
> we can't actually put comments on there.
> John
> =:->
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:33 PM, John Meinel <john at>
> wrote:
>> If I read the conversations on IRC, they were talking about changing the
>> backup to be just a POST to an HTTP endpoint, and you get back the contents
>> of the DB, which would be deleted when the backup completes. Though you
>> could still probably use whatever internal helpers spool the data to a temp
>> location to do the same for backup & restore.
>> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Menno Smits <menno.smits at>
>> wrote:
>>> I've updated the schema migration document with the ideas that have come
>>> up in recent discussions.The scope of the schema migrations work has been
>>> reduced somewhat by making the upgrade step Apply/Rollback concept a
>>> separate project (database changes can be rolled back through the use of
>>> mongobackup/restore).
>>> I've raised a few issues in the comments about handling various failure
>>> modes. Input would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Nate: it would be good for you to have a look at this because we're
>>> planning on leaning on the new backup functionality quite a bit. Let me
>>> know if anything I'm proposing isn't compatible with what your team is
>>> working on.
>>> On 6 June 2014 13:18, Menno Smits <menno.smits at> wrote:
>>>> After some fruitful discussions, Tim and I have come up with something
>>>> that I think is starting to look pretty good. There's a significant change
>>>> to how we handle backups and rollbacks that seems like the right direction.
>>>> I've tried to capture it all in a Google Doc as this email thread is
>>>> starting to get impractical. Feel free to add comments and edit.
>>>> On 3 June 2014 13:34, Menno Smits <menno.smits at> wrote:
>>>>> On 30 May 2014 01:47, John Meinel <john at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Building on John's thoughts, and adding Tim's and mine, here's what
>>>>>>> I've got so far::
>>>>>>> - Introduce a "database-version" key into the EnvironConfig document
>>>>>>> which tracks the Juju version that the database schema matches. More on
>>>>>>> this later.
>>>>>> For clarity, I would probably avoid putting this key into
>>>>>> EnvironConfig, but instead have it in a separate document. That also makes
>>>>>> it easy to watch for just this value changing.
>>>>> SGTM. I've got no strong opinion on this.
>>>>>> Potentially, I would decouple the value in this key from the actual
>>>>>> agent versions. Otherwise you do null DB schema upgrades on every minor
>>>>>> release. Maybe that's sane, but it *feels* like they are too separate
>>>>>> issues. (what is the version of the DB schema is orthogonal to what version
>>>>>> of the code I'm running.) It may be that the clarity and simplification of
>>>>>> just one version wins out.
>>>>> I think it makes sense to just use the Juju version for the DB schema
>>>>> version. When you think about it, the DB schema is actually quite tightly
>>>>> coupled to the code version so why introduce another set of numbers to
>>>>> track? I'm thinking that if there's no schema upgrade steps required for a
>>>>> software given version then the DB is left alone except that the schema
>>>>> version number gets bumped.
>>>>>> - Introduce a MasterStateServer upgrade target which marks upgrade
>>>>>>> steps which are only to run on the master state server. Also more below.
>>>>>> This is just a compiled-in list of steps to apply, right?
>>>>> Yes. I was thinking that schema upgrade steps would be defined in the
>>>>> same place and way that other upgrade steps are currently defined so that
>>>>> they could even be interleaved with other kinds of upgrade steps.
>>>>> What I'm proposing here is that where we currently have 2 types of
>>>>> upgrade targets - AllMachines and StateServer - we introduce a third target
>>>>> called MasterStateServer which would be primarily (exclusively?) used for
>>>>> schema migration steps.
>>>>>>> - Non-master JobManageEnviron machine agents run their upgrade steps
>>>>>>> as usual and then watch for EnvironConfig changes. They don't consider the
>>>>>>> upgrade to be complete (and therefore let their other workers start) until
>>>>>>> database-version matches agent-version. This prevents the new version of
>>>>>>> the state server agents from running before the schema migrations for the
>>>>>>> new software version have run.
>>>>>> I'm not sure if schema should be done before or after other upgrade
>>>>>> steps. Given we're really stopping the world here, it might be prudent to
>>>>>> just wait to do your upgrade steps until you know that the DB upgrade has
>>>>>> been done.
>>>>> As mentioned above, with what I'm thinking there is no real
>>>>> distinction between schema migration steps and other types of upgrade steps
>>>>> so there's no concept of schema migrations happening before or after other
>>>>> upgrade steps.
>>>>> *Observations/Questions/Issues*
>>>>>>> - There are a lot of moving parts here. What could be made simpler?
>>>>>>> - What do we do if the master mongo database or host fails during
>>>>>>> the upgrade? Is it a goal for one of the other state servers take over and
>>>>>>> run the schema upgrades itself and let the upgrade finish? If so, is this a
>>>>>>> must-have up-front requirement or a nice-to-have?
>>>>>> Some thoughts:
>>>>>> 1. If the actual master mongo DB fails, that will cause reelection,
>>>>>> which should cause all of the servers to get their connections to Mongo
>>>>>> bounced, and then they'll notice that there is a new master who is
>>>>>> responsible for applying the database changes.
>>>>> We will have to do some testing to ensure that this scenario actually
>>>>> works. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but my gut says there's there's plenty
>>>>> to go wrong here.
>>>>> 2. If it is just the master Juju process that fails, I don't think
>>>>>> there is any great expectation that a different process running the same
>>>>>> code is going to succeed, is there?
>>>>> Agreed.
>>>>>> 3. There is also a fair possibility that the schema migration we've
>>>>>> written won't work with real data in the wild. (we assumed this field was
>>>>>> never written, but suddenly it is, etc). We've talked about the ability to
>>>>>> have Upgrade roll back, and maybe we could consider that here. Some
>>>>>> possible steps are:
>>>>>> 1. Copy the db to another location
>>>>>> 2. Try to apply the schema updates (either in place or only to
>>>>>> the backup)
>>>>>> 3. If upgrade fails, roll back to the old version, and update the
>>>>>> AgentVersion in environ config so that the other agents will try to
>>>>>> "upgrade" themselves back to the old version. This would also be a reason
>>>>>> to do the DB schema before actually applying any other upgrade steps. We
>>>>>> probably want some sort of "could not upgrade because of" tracking here, so
>>>>>> that it can be reported to the user
>>>>> I like this and it should work as long as there's enough storage
>>>>> available to make a copy of the database. I'm not exactly clear on how we
>>>>> would revert to the backup instance if the migration fails but I'm sure
>>>>> this can be made to work. It might be enough for the first iteration if we
>>>>> initially make some kind of backup that the user has access to that they
>>>>> can restore from manually.
>>>>> As you mention, this would benefit from the DB schema steps being
>>>>> separate from the other upgrade steps. I have no real issue with this other
>>>>> than having them separate will probably mean more change to the existing
>>>>> upgrades package. This voids some of the things I've said earlier in this
>>>>> email :-) I'll think some more about how this could look.
>>>>> 4. As long as we do some sort of "backup before applying the change"
>>>>>> we allow users a way to recover the system if something failed. If we have
>>>>>> proper Backup support integrated into core, one option is that we just
>>>>>> trigger a backup and then upgrade in place, if stuff breaks, we at least
>>>>>> have *something* that should be recoverable.
>>>>> It's a pity that the full Backup feature isn't there yet as this could
>>>>> be a nice way to get a first version of schema migrations working quickly.
>>>>>>> - Upgrade steps currently have access to State but I think this
>>>>>>> probably won't be sufficient to perform many types of schema migrations
>>>>>>> (i.e. accessing defunct fields, removing fields, adding indexes etc). Do we
>>>>>>> want to extend State to provide a number of schema migration helpers or do
>>>>>>> we expose mongo connections directly to the upgrade steps?
>>>>>> I believe the existing Upgrade logic actually has access to the API
>>>>>> not to State itself, so we'll need something there. The State object has
>>>>>> raw mongo collections on it (environs, charms, etc).
>>>>> The existing upgrade logic has access to both the API and State (the
>>>>> latter only on state machines obviously, that arg is nil otherwise) so
>>>>> that's already done.
>>>>>> DB Schema (IMO) inherently is going to be at the raw DB level, vs
>>>>>> changes in the abstract objects. (I expect that it will be defined in terms
>>>>>> of Apply this function to all entities in this collection, rather than
>>>>>> iterate over Machine objects and set data on them.)
>>>>>> I could be wrong, but it does seem like we'll want the syntax of db
>>>>>> schema changes to be on mgo.Collection objects, and not on State objects.
>>>>> I completely agree that we need schema migrations to work in the
>>>>> mongodb world and not via application level objects. Some schema migration
>>>>> tasks just won't make sense at the application object level.
>>>>> State doesn't expose its mgo collections to the outside though so how
>>>>> would a schema migration step interact with them, especially for tasks such
>>>>> as adding new collections or indexes? Do we add a bunch of schema migration
>>>>> helper methods on to State (e.g. AddCollection(), AddIndex(),
>>>>> ApplyToCollection() etc) or do we add a single method which exposes the
>>>>> mongo database object (clearly marked as exclusively there for use by
>>>>> schema upgrade steps), or do we have schema migration steps pass a function
>>>>> that takes a mongo DB object to act on? We already expose the mongo session
>>>>> with MongoSession() so there is some precedent for this.
>>>>>>> - There is a possibility that a non-master state server won't
>>>>>>> upgrade, blocking the master from completing the upgrade. Should there be a
>>>>>>> timeout before the master gives up on state servers upgrading themselves
>>>>>>> and performs its own upgrade steps anyway?
>>>>>> Arguably this is a better case for "rollback" than "just move
>>>>>> forward".
>>>>> Ok - sounds good.
>>>>>>> - Given the order of documents a juju system stores, it's likely
>>>>>>> that the schema migration steps will be quite quick, even for a large
>>>>>>> installation.
>>>>>> "order of magnitude" right?
>>>>> Yes - sorry that wasn't very clear.
>>>>>> Yeah, we're talking megabytes, GB being really large, not many GB of
>>>>>> data.
>>>>> Great.
>>>>> Thanks for the excellent feedback.
>>>>> - Menno
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