Reminder: juju-core github migration

roger peppe rogpeppe at
Tue Jun 3 08:11:00 UTC 2014

On 2 June 2014 19:11, Nate Finch <nate.finch at> wrote:
> (resending to the right thread)
> This may be a bit late... can we make the repo named juju?
> The first Juju is the team, the second Juju is the project.  Core is not a
> thing.  This is pretty much standard operating procedure for big projects on
> github.  Most are .... that way, when you're looking
> at the repos under github/juju you see:
> errgo
> juju
> loggo
> Core is not a thing, it's not the name of anything.  Juju is the project
> name.  It happens to be the same as the team name, but lots of repos have
> that.
> If not just "juju", it should be juju-core.  The repo name needs to be able
> to stand on its own.  When someone forks it, they'll get
> for example, which has no information about what
> the heck the repo is for.


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