The juju devel branch version is WRONG

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at
Mon Jun 2 15:14:31 UTC 2014

Juju CI is not testing devel branch because it claims to be a version
that is released.

Juju version cannot be set to 1.19.4

1.19.3 is released, but the gobot fails my branch that sets the
version to 1.19.4

This may related to the recent changes that added support for
alpha/beta. We had to rollback the version because 1.18.0 throws a
wobbly when the streams metadata contains a next stable with letters
in the version.

The test suite knows we cannot replace a published version of juju. So
when devel gets updates, 1.19.3 is built because the branch claims to
be 1.19.4, but the build debs are rejected because 1.19.3 really
exists. The unit tests are not affected by this, just the substrate
and function test are using the release 1.19.3 juju and tools.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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