apiserver/testing.FakeAuthoriser is not a good mock

David Cheney david.cheney at canonical.com
Thu Jul 31 07:39:06 UTC 2014

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 5:12 PM, William Reade
<william.reade at canonical.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 7:30 AM, David Cheney <david.cheney at canonical.com>
> wrote:
>> Proposal: remove Authoriser.GetAuthEntity() and replace all calls with
>> Authoriser.GetAuthTag(). I have a branch for this, it's < 30 lines as
>> there are only 3 places in the apiserver where we do this and they
>> usually call the .Tag method on the entity they get back from
>> GetAuthEntity.
>> 2. This extends from point 1, while the svrRoot derives everything
>> from svrRoot.entity, the FakeAuthoriser allows the caller to pass a
>> unique value for the tag and the entity of the authorisee. This leads
>> to impossible situations where the FakeAuthorizer returns nil for
>> AuthGetEntity but a non nil value for AuthGetTag. Other permutations
>> exist in our tests and are expected by the test logic.
>> Propsal: Once step 1 is fixed the difference between svrRoot and
>> FakeAuthoriser is the former starts from a state.Entity and derives a
>> tag from which other values are derived, the latter skips the initial
>> step and starts from a tag. This work falls out of the solution to
>> steps 1 and 3.
>> 3. The helper methods, AuthMachineAgent(), AuthUnitAgent() on the
>> Authoriser interface are implemented differently in svrRoot and
>> FakeAuthoriser. In tests it is quite common to take the FakeAuthoriser
>> from the test suite, copy it and change some of these values leading
>> to impossible situations, ie, the tag or entity of the FakeAuthoriser
>> pointing to a Unit, but AuthMachineAgent() returning true.
>> Proposal: The simplest solution is to copy the implementation of these
>> helper methods from svrRoot to FakeAuthoriser. A more involved
>> solution would be to factor these methods out to be functions in the
>> apiserver/common package that take an Authorizer. This second step may
>> not pay for itself.
> I would strongly favour the latter solution. The benefit of having a fake
> authorizer whose behaviour diverges is that (at least in theory) it allows
> for comprehensive testing against arbitrary authorizer behaviour;
> constraining that behaviour so we're only testing realistic situations will
> be great, but I fear that doing so by copy-pasting code will only lead to
> more divergences in future. Let's make sure we're using the same logic
> across the board.

You got it boss.

> Cheers
> William
>> These steps resolves the majority of the discontinuity between the two
>> implementations and will resolve a set of blocking issues I've hit
>> converting the apiserver and state packages to speak tags natively.
>> Thanks for your time
>> Dave
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