series-agnostic charm URLs

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at
Fri Jul 25 14:09:25 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Richard Harding
<rick.harding at> wrote:
> Give this, the vast majority of bundles are fully qualified. In the JAAS
> scenaraio, where users are building bundles through the webui and they're
> stored directly, we can encourage/enforce qualified names by controlling
> the UI interaction.

Sounds great, and as one more reason to be strict.

> Ok, I'll let history be history. However, if you have any feedback on
> bundles I'd love to have a chance to hear your thoughts as our team is
> working on moving bundles and their definition to the charmstore and will
> bring up moving to being a first class juju-core entity in Nuremburg.

Sure, let's talk live there.

gustavo @

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