series-agnostic charm URLs

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at
Wed Jul 23 12:59:31 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Richard Harding
<rick.harding at> wrote:
> This is driven by requirements from ecosystem and users where bundles
> define a 'solution'. A mongodb-cluster bundle doesn't need to be updated
> every time a new revision comes out, or even if a new series comes out. It
> is a usable solution regardless. Bundles can be as specific as they wish to
> be, however requiring them to define charms specifically reduces their
> reusability and causes us to be less flexible.

When you design a system there's always a tension between what people
need and what they think they need. Speaking of a different area close
to our hearts, programming languages such as Perl evolved with the
author hearing user requests.. developers, even fairly experienced
ones, tend to want to pack as much power on as few key strokes as
possible, and a language that has a very high rate of meaning per key
stroke is often deemed as an expressive and powerful programming
language. That feeling presumes that there is a high cost in typing a
bit more, but as time passes we're learning that the semantic load has
a more relevant cost on itself, and simpler but consistent primitives
often yield better results.

Going back to bundles, not having to update a bundle when a new,
entirely different, release of Ubuntu comes out, is of course much
more expressive, and people love expression, but carries with it a
relevant semantic load. It also means neither we nor anybody else has
any idea about what people actually get when they deploy a bundle, and
whether the bundle will even work tomorrow once a new major upgrade is
pushed to the repository. Our focus should not be to encourage that,
but to help people express what they mean clearly and easily. If they
want a new release of the bundle with a slightly different meaning,
that should be trivial, but it should not be trivial to express lack
of clarity.

> We also have to worry about historical usage as we've always supported the
> vague behaviour and many of the current of bundles take advantage of it.

Yes, bundles were very organically developed. But I won't re-raise that rant.

gustavo @

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