Charm store API proposal, new version
William Reade
william.reade at
Wed Jul 16 12:32:46 UTC 2014
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Richard Harding <
rick.harding at> wrote:
> I'm not against having any bulk api calls but we've got a handful of
> clients and the one use case we've found for them is Aaron's work which I
> think we can better address with our current scheme anyway as he only
> needed the bulk api call to get data he'd already have on hand.
I'd suggest at least one other use case -- namely, that juju-core wants to
know which deployed charms have updates available, and it's annoying to
issue N requests for N charms.
But the major drivers are:
1) consistency, so that clients across the board can just *always know*
that they can issue a given request in N-plicate and never have to mess
around hunting for which variant of a given api call offers what they're
looking for;
2) expressivity, because you can always express a single request in a bulk
call but can't go the other way;
3) agility(?), in that bulk calls have scope for server-side optimisations
that would be very very hard to apply across a list of single calls, and
we'd rather address performance issues via implementation tweaks than API
churn; and
4) past experience, both others' (launchpad) and our own, leading us to
believe that it's generally nicer to work with chunky APIs than chatty
ones, despite the slightly steeper initial learning curve.
...not to mention that IMO most of the arguments for single calls represent
a failure of imagination. I certainly agree that it's not always obvious
why someone might want to discover the latest revisions of N charms at
once, or the metadata for M other charms that may or may not be directly
related to one another, or reporting info for a bunch of others (or, in
juju-core terms, why we might want to find out the life statuses of a bunch
of entities, or why the set of state server addresses might vary according
to what agent needs to connect, or why a client might want provisioning
info for a whole bunch of new machines at a time).
But simple prudence dictates that we pay the minimal costs of enabling such
behaviours early, in the interest of providing a rich experience for all
our clients, rather than scrambling to fix them up later as we discover the
use cases that always somehow seem terribly predictable in hindsight -- and
in doing so take on the long-term costs of uglified and non-orthogonal APIs
(or, perhaps even worse, failing to do so and leaving our clients hanging
because we're focused on other things).
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