Automatic multi-environment collection handling
Dimiter Naydenov
dimiter.naydenov at
Thu Dec 18 17:02:41 UTC 2014
Hash: SHA1
All this is great work! Thanks for the write-up as well.
I think I discovered an issue with it - take a look at this bug It seems machine.SetAgentVersion() should be
handled specially by the multi-env transaction runner, as only after
calling it the upgrade actually starts and the steps to add env-uuids
to state collections are executed.
On 18.12.2014 05:28, Menno Smits wrote:
> I've landed several big changes recently which automate handling
> of multi-environment concerns when accessing Juju's collections.
> These both simplify DB queries and updates as well as reducing the
> risk of unintended data leakage between environments. Although in
> most cases you won't even know that anything has changed, it's
> worth understanding what's been done.
> *Collections*
> MongoDB queries against collections which contain data for
> multiple environments are now automatically modified to ensure they
> return records for only the environment tied to State being queried
> against. Queries against collections which do not contain data for
> multiple environments pass through untouched.
> Some examples ...
> machines.FindId("2") becomes machines.FindId("<uuid>:2").One(&doc)
> machines.Find(bson.D{{"series", "trusty"}}} becomes
> machines.Find(bson.D{{"series", "trusty"}, {"env-uuid", "<uuid>"}})
> machines.Find(bson.D{{"_id", "4"}}} becomes
> machines.Find(bson.D{{"_id", "<uuid>:4"}, {"env-uuid", "<uuid>"}})
> Where "<uuid>" is the environment UUID of the State instance the
> collection was obtained from (using getCollection()).
> The Remove, RemoveId and RemoveAll methods on collections also
> have similar handling and the collection Count method returns only
> the number of records in the collection for a single environment.
> The main benefit of this is that you don't need to remember to wrap
> ids in State.docID() calls or remember to add the "env-uuid" field
> to queries. In fact, I recommend you leave them out to reduce noise
> from code that does DB queries.
> There are some limited cases where you might really need to query
> across multiple environments or don't want the automatic munging in
> place for some reason. For these scenarios you can get hold of a
> *mgo.Collection by calling State.getRawCollection(). This is
> currently only being used by a few database migration steps.
> Note that query selectors using MongoDB operators with the _id
> field will be left untouched. In these cases you need to know that
> there's a UUID prefix on the _id and handle it yourself. For
> example, to query all the machines with ids starting with "4" you
> might consider doing:
> machines.Find(bson.D{{"_id", bson.D{"$regex": "^4.*"}}}} which is
> transformed to: machines.Find(bson.D{{"_id", bson.D{"$regex":
> "^4.*"}}}}, {"env-uuid", "<uuid>"}})
> Note how the _id selector is left alone but the env-uuid selector
> is still added. It's left up to the developer to account for the
> environment UUID in _id regex (the regex above won't work as is).
> *Transactions*
> Changes have also been made for automatically modifying
> transaction operations to account for multi-environment
> collections.
> For example:
> st.runTransaction([]txn.Op{{ C: machinesC, Id: "1" Remove: true, },
> { C: machinesC, Id: "2", Insert: bson.D{ {"series", "trusty"}, },
> }, { C: machinesC, Id: "3", Insert: &machineDoc{ Series: "trusty",
> }, }, { C: otherC, Id: "foo", Insert: bson.D{}, }})
> automatically becomes:
> st.runTransaction([]txn.Op{{ C: machinesC, Id: "<uuid>:1", Remove:
> true, }, { C: machinesC, Id: "<uuid>:2", Insert: bson.D{ {"_id",
> "<uuid>:2"}, {"env-uuid", "<uuid>"}, {"series", "trusty"}, }, }, {
> C: machinesC, Id: "<uuid>:3", Insert: &machineDoc{ DocID:
> "<uuid>:3", EnvUUID: "<uuid>", Series: "trusty", } }, { C: otherC,
> Id: "foo", Insert: bson.D{}, }})
> Note how the environment UUID is prefixed onto ids for operations
> for multi-environment collections. Also see how the _id and
> env-uuid field on documents defined using bson.D or structs (bson.M
> supported too) are automatically populated. A panic will occur if
> you provide the environment UUID but it doesn't match what was
> expected as this indicates a likely bug.
> Any document updates are made in place so that the caller sees them
> once the transaction completes. This makes it safe for the caller
> to a document struct used with a transaction operation for further
> work - the struct will match what was written to the DB. Note that
> if a struct is passed by value and needs updating, a panic will
> occur. This won't normally be a problem as we tend to use pointers
> to document structs with transaction operations, and the panic is a
> helpful indication that the document provided isn't
> multi-environment safe.
> Note that only the Id and Insert fields of txn.Op are touched. The
> Update and Assert fields are left alone.
> In some cases you may need to run a transaction without invoking
> automatic multi-environment munging. State now has a rawTxnRunner()
> and runRawTransaction() methods for the rare situations where this
> is necessary. Please use these sparingly.
> *Performance* * * With the extra work being done to implement
> automatic multi-environment support, the performance impact was a
> concern. I have compared multiple runs of the state package unit
> tests, with and without these changes and the difference is lost in
> the noise.
> If you see any problems or have any questions, please let me know.
> - Menno
- --
Dimiter Naydenov <dimiter.naydenov at>
juju-core team
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