gccgo internal compiler errors

Ian Booth ian.booth at canonical.com
Fri Aug 29 12:36:41 UTC 2014

Yep, and we already want to do this for Windows compiles anyway. When I say want
to, I mean we've already agreed that it should be done. So adding an extra
compile step for gccgo should be done also.

On 29/08/14 21:36, John Meinel wrote:
> I think the bot could be taught to at least compile all the tests under
> gccgo (with go test -compiler=gcc -c). That would at least let us detect
> compile failures.
> John
> =:->
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:45 PM, David Cheney <david.cheney at canonical.com>
> wrote:
>> nah, we have a fix upstream, we just need to get that backported to
>> trusty then this becomes a non issue.
>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 7:44 PM, Matthew Williams
>> <matthew.williams at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> As it's something we need to be doing for a while yet is there value in
>>> adding this as a task that gets run by the landing bot?
>>> Thanks
>>> Matty
>>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:48 PM, Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at canonical.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> I spent some time this morning looking at
>>>>     https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1362636
>>>> A critical regression that was breaking CI on power.
>>>> There is a bug in gccgo where we hit an internal compiler error when
>>>> comparing an interface to a concrete type that implements the interface
>>>> (as opposed to a pointer to the concrete type implementing the
>> interface).
>>>> This impacts some of the names.Tag rework that is going on.
>>>> If you try to compare:
>>>>    var tag names.Tag = names.NewMachineTag("1")
>>>>    if names.NewUnitTag("1") == tag {
>>>>       // BOOM!!!
>>>>    }
>>>> This is entirely valid Go, and works fine with gc, but gccgo barfs
>>>> horribly.
>>>> My fix is here: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/633
>>>> This is just a warning.
>>>> Remember folks that we need to support gccgo still (for at least another
>>>> year until we have power and arm64 using gc).
>>>> You can test locally by doing this:
>>>>   go test -compiler gccgo
>>>> If you install the gccgo packages, which I don't remember, but hopefully
>>>> someone will follow up with.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Tim
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