getting rid of all-machines.log

John Meinel john at
Wed Aug 27 04:56:16 UTC 2014

My personal vote would be:
a) Use something that can write directly to multiple syslog receivers over
a TLS encrypted connection from inside the jujud binary (e.g. don't use
rsyslog to read the log files and forward them on to the state servers, but
just write directly)
I'd actually like to continue keeping a log file on local disk, as it can
help diagnose when the problem is that you are failing to connect to
somewhere else.
b) In the short term, continue using rsyslog as the aggregator on state
server machines.

c) Long term (not this cycle), look towards logging into an actual database
(be it another collection in mongo, or something more specifically designed
for handling logs like logstash, fluentd, scribe, flume, etc).
Ideally we'd provide something that people could easily integrate into
whatever system they wanted (and for that, all-machines.log is probably the
simplest thing to then tail and pull into another system.)


On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Mark Ramm-Christensen ( <
mark.ramm-christensen at> wrote:

> Thanks Horacio, it's very helpful to get this all in one place.
> Adding my thoughts in line.
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Horacio Duran
> <horacio.duran at> wrote:
> > Here is a summary I made to help myself while following this discussion:
> >
> > Nate original suggestion:
> > * Remove all-machines.log: Claiming it takes a lot of space and it is
> not a
> > multi platform solution
> >
> > Tim, John, Aaaron, etc:
> > * all-machines.log is required for debug-log
> > * makes it big and it would be nice to rotate it.
> We do not have the option of removing debug-log, and therefore there
> must be a "central" repository of log data.   This need not live in a
> text file on the state servers called all-machines.log but it must
> exist.
> --
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