Question about unprivileged lxc containers

Jorge Niedbalski jorge.niedbalski at
Mon Aug 25 20:56:41 UTC 2014

No customer is experiencing this behavior, this was a question
regarding to a personal issue trying to create an unprivileged container.

Thanks Ian.

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Ian Booth <ian.booth at> wrote:
> Hi Jorge
>> While working on a bug assignment related to LXC templates, i noticed
>> that the golxc driver is performing the following subprocess
>> invocation on the Create method:
>> ```
>> lxc-create -n juju-trusty-template -t ubuntu-cloud -f
>> /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-template/lxc.conf -- --debug
>> --userdata /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-template/cloud-init
>> --hostid juju-trusty-template -r trusty
>> ```
>> The problem with this command is that is forcing the usage of
>> /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-template/lxc.conf as the default
>> and this file doesn't includes any configuration directive regarding
>> to id_maps , which is a requirement to run unprivileged containers,
>> also using the (-f) flag has preference over my locally defined
>> ~/.config/lxc/default.conf.
>> Do we need to add id_maps options for unprivileged containers to
>> golxc? Any other idea?
>> (More information:
>> )
> We want to support unprivileged containers in Juju. We are currently
> prioritising work for the rest of this cycle. This item has come up as a
> request, but it looks like there are enough items ahead of it in the queue that
> we may not get to it straight away. It will be done, but as of right now, I
> can't give you a definite timeframe. Is there a specific customer request for
> this feature?

Jorge Niedbalski R.
Software Sustaining Engineer @ Canonical
Canonical Technical Services Engineering Team
# Email: jorge.niedbalski at (GPG:0x3DA28544)
# Phone: +56976670504
# Launchpad: ~niedbalski | IRC: niedbalski | gtalk: niedbalski

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