First customer pain point pull request - default-hook

William Reade william.reade at
Wed Aug 20 14:08:00 UTC 2014

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Matthew Williams <
matthew.williams at> wrote:
> Any default-hook that deviated from this pattern could find itself being
> run multiple times in succession - I wonder if that might be confusing/
> unexpected to a charm author?

It'll run multiple times in succession regardless, independent of switching
-- but, yes, unless it switches it'll always do the same thing :). I don't
*think* it's unexpected that we'd run default-hook once for each missing
hook, supplying the substituted hook name every time.

> Gustavo's observation about hooks that the charm might no know about yet
> means that the else clause is absolutely required, I wonder if that's
> obvious to someone who's new to charming?

I'm pretty much adamant that we shouldn't even run new hooks, or expose new
tools, unless the charm explicitly declares it knows about them. But I do
imagine that many implementations will want the else anyway: they don't
need to provide an implementation for every single hook anyway.

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