First customer pain point pull request - default-hook

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at
Tue Aug 19 16:46:53 UTC 2014

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Aaron Bentley
< at> wrote:
> True.  At that point, the pattern is not a win, but it's not much of a
> loss.  Changing the web site relation is extremely uncommon, but
> operations which do require server restarts are quite common.  So
> making an exception for the web site relation can be seen as a
> micro-optimization.

Restarting a process and killing all on-going activity is a big deal
more often than not, for realistic services.

>>> True, I didn't call out the exceptions for the charmworld charm.
>>> For completeness, the exceptions in charmworld are:
>> Yeah, it definitely depends on knowing the events still.
> On the other hand, it doesn't depend on knowing the events for
> database relation, search engine relation and configuration changes.

The point I was trying to convey is not that you can merge or ignore
certain events. The system was designed so that this was possible in
the first place. The point is rather that the existing event system is
convenient and people rely on it, so I don't buy that a
"something-changed" hook is what most people want at this point. At
the same time, that's not an argument _against_ it either. If you're
happy with your design, and that'd help you, and William thinks this
can be conveniently implemented, I'm all for making people's lives

gustavo @

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