First customer pain point pull request - default-hook

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at
Tue Aug 19 15:41:54 UTC 2014

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Aaron Bentley
< at> wrote:
>> This is actually your website-relation-changed hook:
> No, it's not:

Sorry, I was looking at your own version which is perhaps outdated:

Nevertheless, I can appreciate the underlying pattern you propose
there. It's trying to build a charm that can work in a somewhat
idempotent way. It will try to walk towards the same state
independently from order of events or settings that come through
configuration or relations.

At the same time, the strictness of redoing everything all the time is
not necessary, and a good example is still that
website-relation-changed hook for instance. There is not, in fact, a
need to rebuild your whole confguration, including stopping and
starting the service, because somebody wants to know what is your
address after joining that relation.

>>> The charmworld charm is similar.
>> This is reverseproxy-relation-joined there:
> True, I didn't call out the exceptions for the charmworld charm.  For
> completeness, the exceptions in charmworld are:

Yeah, it definitely depends on knowing the events still.

gustavo @

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