Reviewing - moving to review mentors, and guidelines
Matthew Williams
matthew.williams at
Mon Aug 11 22:52:49 UTC 2014
Is this still happening?
On 19 Jul 2014 09:43, "Matthew Williams" <matthew.williams at>
> +1
> Great idea, thank you
> On 18 Jul 2014 03:28, "Tim Penhey" <tim.penhey at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Last night in the team meeting we discussed the review process.
>> Initially because there have been a number of things sneaking through
>> reviews where ideally we'd like to catch them earlier.
>> In order to help the newer folks on the team learn how we review, it has
>> been suggested that we formalise the mentored reviewers process.
>> Mentored Reviewers
>> ==================
>> All juju core members are expected to review code. It is not reasonable
>> to expect the newer members of the team to feel comfortable being the
>> sole reviewer on work.
>> I have created a new sheet for people to register themselves on if they
>> feel they would like to have a review mentor [1]. You should discuss
>> this with your team lead if you are unsure. A mentor will be allocated
>> to you, or if you have discussed this with someone in particular, you
>> can have a say in your own mentor.
>> Reviews done by the mentored developer are not considered enough to land
>> code until they have been approved by their mentor.
>> It is up the mentor and mentee how they choose to do the reviews. They
>> could do this over a hang out together, or the mentor could review the
>> review after the mentee has done the first pass.
>> Once the mentor feels that the mentee is consistently doing good
>> reviews, they will announce the graduation, and that developer no longer
>> needs a second review pass of their reviews.
>> Guidelines
>> ==========
>> Prior to starting any significant piece of work or refactoring, the
>> general approach should first be checked with the team lead and
>> technical architect. Smaller more obvious pieces of work don't
>> necessarily need this, but it is often good to talk to someone about the
>> problem and the proposed fix as an initial sanity check.
>> The aim here is to avoid getting into design discussions at review time
>> as this is clearly the wrong time to do it.
>> As the developer, it is strongly suggested that you work to the boy
>> scout rule - "leave the code cleaner than you found it". We don't
>> expect perfection (or we shouldn't), but don't leave a mess. It is ok
>> to push back on a reviewer if you feel that the reviewer is being
>> unreasonable in their request for perfection. If you feel that this is
>> the case, talk to your team lead.
>> As a reviewer, if you don't understand the code or what is being done
>> there are a number of options:
>> * it could be that the code is confusing, getting a second opinion can
>> help here
>> * it could be that you don't understand the area of code being changed,
>> and it isn't always feasible to grok everything completely. If the
>> change isn't obviously correct (to you), get a second opinion
>> A review that says
>> The code looks good, test coverage seems to be complete, but I can't
>> tell if this will actually fix problem X
>> is still a useful review, and worth doing. The developer should seek
>> someone to understands that area, or work with the reviewer to help them
>> understand.
>> In any situation where you need to stop and explain it can seem like the
>> process is too slow, but sharing and explaining is short term delay for
>> long term gain as the knowledge is shared through the team.
>> Checklist
>> =========
>> I think it makes sense to have a check list to cover the basics of what
>> we look for in reviews. Probably even get this into the docs directory
>> in trunk.
>> There is a document already which covers some basics of writing good
>> tests: doc/how-to-write-tests.txt
>> Initial things that I look for (off the top of my head):
>> * firstly work out what the code is trying to fix (feature or bug)
>> * is it obvious that the code does this?
>> * for new functions, do the names make sense? do they say what the
>> function does?
>> * are all the public constants, variables, functions and methods
>> documented?
>> * how are the new functions tested?
>> * can they be tested in isolation?
>> * are all the new code paths tested?
>> * do the names of the tests make sense?
>> * could similar tests be combined into a table based test?
>> * should a table based test be broken out in more obvious tests?
>> (this sometimes happens when there is too much logic or too many
>> conditionals in the actual test block of the table based test)
>> * is this code valid for all operating systems?
>> * are there any race conditions?
>> * are the tests isolated from the environment?
>> Cheers,
>> Tim
>> [1]
>> --
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