Label: Ready For Review
Nate Finch
nate.finch at
Mon Aug 11 21:55:24 UTC 2014
Merge it and it'll get closed and out of the list of open PRs. I presume
the submitter is paying enough attention to merge their own stuff.
On Aug 11, 2014 5:44 PM, "David Cheney" <david.cheney at> wrote:
> How can we remove the label once the review has been done ?
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:33 AM, Nate Finch <nate.finch at>
> wrote:
> > I made a label on (and coincidentally
> > called Ready For Review. The reason for the
> label is
> > that it is often difficult to figure out what branches are actually
> ready to
> > be reviewed and which ones are really WIP and therefore aren't waiting
> to be
> > reviewed. It's simple to filter by labels to see what's assigned to
> Ready
> > For Review, so the on-call reviewers (or anyone else) can find stuff to
> > review.
> >
> > I did this because some people had mentioned to me that they had branches
> > that were waiting for reviews, but no one was reviewing them. Pinging
> > people who are online works, but it's hard to ping people who aren't
> > online.... so I figured this was easier and gives everyone somewhere to
> go
> > to find what PR's are languishing.
> >
> > I know we have the WIP: prefix for branches that aren't ready to be
> > generally reviewed.... but that's opt-out, which means it's easy to
> forget
> > to put that on your branch and have people think it's ready for review
> when
> > it's not.... which means people tend to err on the side of just not
> > reviewing stuff. The Ready For Review label is opt-in, so there's no
> doubt
> > that the submitter thinks it's ready.
> >
> > It currently requires someone on this list to add the label (at least for
> >, which is somewhat unfortunate, but it's really
> only
> > needed if you think your code won't get reviewed otherwise... and maybe
> just
> > asking someone to add that label will encourage them to review your code.
> >
> > -Nate
> >
> > --
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