out of disk space on the bot

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Apr 2 09:00:28 UTC 2014

And one more change was to make it:
 go test -test.timeout 10m ./...

I don't really know how tight of a lower bound we could make it (I know we
have tests that take at least 2m regularly). But in the end, I don't really
care (yet). I want us to get tracebacks when the tests take too long, which
is currently at 10m. Eventually I'd like us to ratchet down our test suite,
but we can get there later.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:09 PM, John Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

>       verify_command = export GOPATH=/home/tarmac/trees; godeps -u
>> dependencies.tsv && export TMPDIR=`mktemp -d --tmpdir
>> juju-core-test.XXXXXX` && go fmt ./... && go install ./... && go test
>> ./...; STATUS=$?; rm -rf $TMPDIR; killall -u tarmac mongod; exit $STATUS
> This line caused 2 problems which have now been addressed:
> a) TestRunStop creates a unix socket in
> $TMPDIR/$GOCHECKTMP/var/lib/juju/agent.socket which turns out to grow
> larger than the 107 characters that you're allowed to put in a socket name.
> (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-api/+bug/1252588 for a case
> where unity ran into the path limit).
> So I made the prefix a bit shorter. (I guess we were at 108 characters
> exactly.)
> b) If there was a failure earlier in the run (before we overrode TMPDIR)
> it could cause the above script to rm -rf /tmp. So I changed it to use a
> local var and only delete that one.
> I don't know *how* it managed it, but somehow it actually deleted /tmp
> completely. I would have thought only root could do that.
> New command is:
>  verify_command = export GOPATH=/home/tarmac/trees; godeps -u
> dependencies.tsv && MYTMP=`mktemp -d --tmpdir jctest.XXX` && export
> TMPDIR="$MYTMP" && go fmt ./... && go install ./... && go test ./...;
> STATUS=$?; rm -rf $MYTMP; killall -u tarmac mongod; exit $STATUS
> John
> =:->
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