Notes from Scale testing

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Wed Oct 30 16:26:47 UTC 2013

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 7:57 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
>> Where is N^2 coming from?
> If you add N units one-by-one each new add triggers all existing units
> to wake up and ask for the Life and CharmURL of the service again. So
> first unit asks, 2nd unit asks and causes the first unit to ask again.

Why does it cause the first unit to ask again?  Adding a unit should
not trigger watchers on the service to wake up. There are explicit
watches for being notified about new units.

> In theory it is gated at a 5-sec delay between add unit and triggering
> requests. In practice it took 3+s for add-unit to complete, so it was
> pretty much 1-add => 1-trigger.
> The log I have for bringing up 1000 nodes has the result of the
> CharmURL 2,183,716 times. There are other triggers for this, but
> 1000*1000 = 1M.

That's definitely broken, and it's a great finding.

gustavo @

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