What's coming for Juju in 14.04

Vasiliy Tolstov v.tolstov at selfip.ru
Fri Nov 22 07:47:00 UTC 2013

2013/11/21 Jorge O. Castro <jorge at ubuntu.com>:
> Here's my 10,000 foot view of the big features:
> a) Finished and polished Manual provisioning - deploy to any server.
> b) High Availability for the bootstrap node.
> c) Bundles as first class citizens - "I want a scalable mediawiki
> deployment without having to manually pick a bunch of charms."
> Most everything else looks like polish, stability, and reliability
> improvements across the board, or things like having the CLI talk to
> the API directly which is nice but probably won't affect the end user
> facing bits too much. Small features like `juju quickstart` will also
> make the overall experience nicer.
> From the non-core side having the Charm Tools and Charm Helper
> improvements along with the charm audit will probably have a greater
> impact on day to day usage of Juju overall as we continue to build
> tools around the ecosystem to make it more useful for people.


Vasiliy Tolstov,
e-mail: v.tolstov at selfip.ru
jabber: vase at selfip.ru

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