API compatibility policy and practices between juju versions

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Nov 20 04:42:38 UTC 2013

I've certainly brought up in IRC conversations that all of the CLI API
stuff that required creating a new API is not compatible with old versions.
I personally like having 1.18 CLI be able to talk to 1.16 server. I've
personally accepted the pain in the 1.X cycles on the premise that if we
can get CLI API then we can use that for compatibility support.
My personal mandate is for the 2.X series. A 2.X client should be able to
do whatever it needs to against a 2.Y server for any values of X and Y.

If we want to get a feeling for what it is like to write fallback code in
1.18 we could do some of that now. But today fallback is going to look like
"try the X API, fall back to direct DB access". In 2.x it will be "try new
API fallback to old API", so they arent *that* close.

I know William and I are well aware that 1.18 cli wont work with a 1.16
server (and most likely the reverse is true).
Agent compatibility is actually easy at this point because we have that all
in the API already. CLI compat is something we've explicitly skipped.

I would  love to support it and will certainly require it post 2.0. Is it
worth spending the time now?

On Nov 20, 2013 5:43 AM, "Tim Penhey" <tim.penhey at canonical.com> wrote:

> On 20/11/13 12:05, Curtis Hovey-Canonical wrote:
> > I am not sure if I am leading a discussion or just stating that we
> > have a problem that I don't believe can be ever solved.
> >
> > We abandoned the release of 1.16.4 because we found it was
> > incompatible with 1.16.3
> >     https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1252469
> >     "API incompatability: ERROR no such request "DestroyMachines" on
> Client"
> >
> > I now believe this bug is in the same class of problem:
> >     https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1250154
> >     "ERROR no such request "EnvironmentGet" on Client"
> It was my understanding that the api server needs to be at least as
> advanced as any client.
> This means that a 1.18 server should be able to support a 1.16.x client.
> However we don't support 1.18 clients on a 1.16.x server.
> Does this change your thinking?
> Tim
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