Last round of Scale testing

roger peppe rogpeppe at
Thu Nov 7 20:01:01 UTC 2013

[reposted without the big attachment]

On 7 November 2013 13:18, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> There is still the issue of what the process was doing when it hit 0%
> CPU. I uploaded the traceback (xz compressed) to Ubuntu One, and it
> should be here:
> * sigquit.log.xz (2.7 MB) hosted on Ubuntu One:

I was interested to try to see what was going on here, so
I hacked up a quick analysis program that puts all
the stack traces into a call graph summarising the overall

It makes for an interesting snapshot of a juju system in action,
although I haven't gained any particular insights
from it yet.

I've attached the output svg (suitable for web browser viewing) and
the program I used to generate it.

The nodes of the graph are functions; the count for each node
is the number of goroutines in the stack traces that call that function;
the count for each edge is the number of goroutines that have
made the call between the two connected functions.
The function that created a goroutine is included too.

All cudos to go tool pprof for the svg stuff.
-------------- next part --------------
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