opaque ids vs. natural keys
William Reade
william.reade at canonical.com
Wed May 29 08:48:30 UTC 2013
FWIW, we do currently have opaque, unique (in-environment, anyway) keys for
one entity: the relation. That has Key and Id fields (mapped in mongo, ever
so helpfully, to "_id" and "id" respectively) where Key is the
human-readable one (space-separated endpoint names in canonical order) and
Id is just an environment-unique int [0]. It should be noted that we're
probably *not* free to change the form of the "id" field, because it's
exposed to charms; I think that I do favour env-unique entity ids in
general, (that is, plain old ints rather than uuids), because we can always
combine an env uuid with an env-unique entity id to get a universally
unique entity id.
Service just has Name -> _id, as does Unit, and those are problematic
because while they're env-unique at any given *point* in time that property
is not guaranteed over any given time *period*, and this is problematic for
the GUI [1]. Machine has Id -> _id, and extending the semantics of Id
simply puts it in the same situation as Service and Unit.
So, basically, I'm making a consistency argument for extending machine _id
in this way: that we currently use poor "primary keys", that encode
important information primarily for human benefit, for every other entity.
I don't think there's any argument *against* also providing parallel
"primary keys" that are actually opaque and unique... *except* that it's a
schema change for which we are not currently prepared (it's high on the
list but not being actively developed). So, pragmatically, we can make
valid progress on containerization without blocking on MV upgrades, and the
only cost we thereby take on is to slightly increase the size of the
"fix-the-ids" task we know we'll have to undertake before too long anyway.
I'm still open to arguments that it's *fundamentally* bad to encode this
information in a string rather than to break it out into separate fields --
and if you can convince me of that I concede we have no option but to
develop this in a parallel branch and suck up a merge once we have MV
upgrades on trunk -- but I think that the PK argument is misplaced in our
current situation.
[0] gaah: it's not indexed, so uniqueness is not actually enforced, but
that at least is an easy fix (and the generation of unique values appears
solid -- we can skip, but we can't dupe, AFAICT -- so that's probably ok).
[1] and, indeed, for anything that watches service/unit deltas. It's not
really a problem *internally*, because we can't open ourselves up to unit
confusion by removing a service while any of its units still exist; and we
don't have anything that watches all services... except the AllWatcher, I
suspect, which was developed purely for the use of the GUI and is thus, in
a sense, a protrusion of the GUI into core.
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 8:08 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at arbash-meinel.com>wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ...
> >> I can see the desire for having natural keys that we show the
> >> user, but history has shown (over and over) that having opaque
> >> unique ids provides a better identity story.
> >>
> >
> > Having natural keys that the user sees and opaque, surrogate keys
> > for DB identity are not mutually exclusive :-)
> >
> >
> I view it a bit as the revno vs revision_id that bzr went with
> revno: context sensitive 'natural' ids that is reasonably easy for a
> human to grasp
> revision_id: actual unique identifier for the object
> I especially like having UUIDs for machines when you start talking
> about cross-environment relations. Since at that point you can start
> reasoning about any object in any environment without having to also
> pass around all the context for the identifier all the time.
> However, this all seems very much state-breaking changes. Which we've
> been explicitly cautioned to be careful with.
> John
> =:->
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