Respect copyright headers

Clint Byrum clint at
Tue May 21 14:38:18 UTC 2013

On 2013-05-21 00:38, Dimiter Naydenov wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi guys,
> Recently Martin made a change to include copyright and licensing
> comments in all Go files in the source. This was needed for packaging
> reasons and compliance. I see increasing number of new commits not

I would question the word 'need' here. Packaging doesn't require a 
notice in every file. Packagers just tend to like having a notice per 

International copyright treaties and thus most copyright law does not 
require any copyright notice to claim copyrights. One simply needs to 
prove the origin and any chain of assignment.

A simple AUTHORS file that specifies the copyright holders is all that 
is needed to make copyright documentation in packaging and compliance 
necessary. The bzr commit log is also a compelling source of evidence 
for origin.

All of that said, it's useful to also have per file copyright headers. 
However, unless you include strong pre-commit checks for these, its hard 
to keep this kind of policy in place, especially if you have reviewers 
who think all this legalese is just a waste of time. Those reviewers are 
wrong.. but common in the general population of developers. I don't know 
if they're common in juju development.

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