More failing tests...

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sun Mar 3 10:31:33 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 2013-02-28 14:11, William Reade wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-02-28 at 20:25 +1100, David Cheney wrote:
>> There is also the daily build, but that only checks for
>> compilation, not tests.
>> I tried in the past to setup a jenkins build but there were too
>> many false positives. I would be happy to volunteer to undertake
>> this again.
> I would be most grateful for this; but I'm seriously considering
> getting tarmac set up. John, can you comment on how much of a
> hassle this would be? AIUI you did it for goose quite recently.

Technically the goose-bot has a configuration for both goose and
juju-core. And when we land changes for goose, it runs the juju-core
test suite, which should mean juju-core's test suite is running
cleanly on the bot.

At the moment, it is pointed at lp:~goose-bot/juju-core/trunk

Some thoughts:

0) It isn't hard, it is just a matter of sorting out all the specific
polices we want to use.

1) It is a little weird to manage 'juju-core' with something named
'goose-bot', but I didn't have a better name at the time. We could
just rename it to 'gopher-bot'.

2) We would want to change where 'lp:juju-core' points, which will
cause people using older bzr to re-update their trees. (Not hard, just
something you ran into when we moved 'lp:goose'.) New bzr records
"{goose,juju-core}" but older ones
resolved that URL to the ~gophers/juju-core/trunk (which would then

We could alternatively give goose-bot the ability commit directly to
gophers, but I'd like to avoid that.

3) Because of the dependency ordering, we do have at outlet to allow
people to push to trunk directly, but it isn't something that is easy
to do.

4) Tarmac support is a little messy right now because lbox uses the
Description as the commit message while Tarmac uses Launchpad's
"Commit Message" field. So you have to copy & paste the description
into the commit message, and then mark the message Approved.

5) Removing direct access to trunk will make it hard to get
dependencies updated without us getting to the point where we do some
sort of versioning. I get the feeling goose is getting pretty close to
ready for v1, though.

We could also look at merging dependencies into juju-core, but I'm
really not a big fan of that. We really should design things as
re-usable libraries, and merging into 1 large tree tends to pollute
that. (You can do it, but there is always the tendency to make a patch
inside the juju-core tree, and then it is hard to pull that back out
to a separate library.)

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