[ANN] juju-core 1.11.4 has been released

David Cheney david.cheney at canonical.com
Tue Jul 23 07:25:17 UTC 2013

Hot on the heals of 1.11.3, 1.11.4, the OSCON edition, is out!

juju-core 1.11.4

A new release of Juju, juju-core 1.11.4, is now available for testing.

Getting Juju

The location of the PPA has changed, please note the new location.

juju-core 1.11.4 is available from the Juju development PPA


New and Notable

1.11.4 is a small bugfix release for 1.11.3, please refer to the
release notes for 1.11.3 for full details.

Resolved issues

 * lp # 1189507, a bug affecting the accidental creation of duplicate
security groups in OpenStack environments has been fixed.
 * lp # 1203658, openstack providers should no longer fail with an
authentication failure message.
 * lp # 1195223, bonus bugfix, the all-machines.log file on the
bootstrap machine is now rolled, preventing disk space exhaustion.

Configuration changes


Testing on Canonistack and HP Cloud

A publicly readable bucket has been created for holding the Juju tools
on Canonistack. To use it, put this in your ~/.juju/environments.yaml
(all on one line):

For HP Cloud the public bucket is available at:

As an unstable release we do not make guarantees about clean upgrade
paths of running environments from one 1.11.x version to another.
However, live-upgrades should work now, and will be a supported
feature of stable releases.

We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
juju-dev at lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.

Dave Cheney
On behalf of the Juju team

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