Tracking OpenStack & User Experience Bugs

Antonio Rosales antonio.rosales at
Thu Jul 18 22:44:48 UTC 2013

In an effort to accurately track juju-core bugs that are affecting
OpenStack deploys I would like to propose tagging bugs with
"openstack." In addition, in the effort to continue improving the Juju
user experience I would also like to propose tagging bugs with
"papercut" that are possibly inhibiting user adoption.

As an experiment I have added the "openstack"[0] and "papercut"[1] tag
to the juju-core project.

If folks agree please tag bugs accordingly.  I would also like to
integrate this into the juju-core bug triage process[2], and review
existing tags in that process too. Juju-core developer feedback much
appreciated here.


Antonio Rosales
Ubuntu Cloud Ecosystem Engineering - Share your infrastructure, win 10k!

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