review days

William Reade william.reade at
Sun Feb 17 11:18:31 UTC 2013

Hi all

I'd like to propose that we set up some sort of review rota, such that
on any workday there are always two people whose *primary* goal for the
day is to do any code reviews that need doing. The hope is that those
whose review day it is will (1) be led to read and have to understand
parts of the codebase with which they are not necessarily familiar and
(2) avoid tasks that have a heavy context-switching cost and are thus
more suitable for non-review days.

Common sense will still need to be applied: for example, if there's
someone with a particular interest in what you're doing you can always
ask them for a explicit review; and if you've started a review on a CL
you should keep track of that CL even while it's not your review day;
but I hope that the distribution of work landing on each day, considered
by topic and by size, will be such that nobody will be overburdened.



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