
Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at
Fri Feb 8 14:10:38 UTC 2013

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 6:32 AM, roger peppe <rogpeppe at> wrote:
> There's no difficulty if m1.small is treated exactly as if it's
> the constraint vector {cpu=1 mem=1.7G}. I'm ok if we want to do

Phew, okay, I was starting to think I was missing something.

> To rephrase, there's a conflict between saying "I want an m1.small"
> (I know what I'm asking for) and "I want at *least* an m1.small"
> (I know that m1.small implies certain performance attributes
> and I don't care if I get something at least as good).

Sure that's a valid problem to think about, but as I mentioned it's not
specific to this setting. If we say mem=16GB on environment and
cpu=1 on service, that cpu=1 will be ignored with any of the
algorithms discussed so far.

I believe it's easy to solve this problem too, but it's not about ec2-type.

gustavo @

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