Setting up CI to run unit tests for archs and series

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at
Wed Dec 18 22:57:38 UTC 2013

We are adding unit test runs for other archs like i386 and arm, and
series like saucy and trusty. In general, if our PPA has tools for the
series and arch, we want to verify the tarball used to make the
package passed all the unit tests.

This is more urgent for me because trusty switched to golang 1.2; the
test runner hates me. Alas the test runner hates this precise+amd64
combination I set up. I discovered the test runner wants ssh keys so I
added them. I stiil see other failures though. Anyone have any clues
as to what I am missing?

This is the script we are using to setup the instance and run make check

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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