Dealing with bugs that are only in trunk.

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Dec 13 04:14:17 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 2013-12-12 22:09, Curtis Hovey-Canonical wrote:
> I think the number of open critical and high bugs is inflated. The 
> open critical bugs are an incentive to release soon, but many of
> the critical bugs were really closed the moment trunk merged the
> fix.
> We close bugs when we know we have delivered a fix to the affected 
> users. Our practice of targeting to milestones/releases is a
> little misleading if we assume the bug was in the previous release.
> Some bugs only affect users of trunk, such as developers and
> testers.
> There are several bugs targeted to 1.17.0 that were introduced in 
> trunk and were fixed a few days later. I think these bugs are fix 
> released since developers and CI are no longer affected. I want to 
> close the bugs. It would then be easy to see which critical bugs
> we want to release to users.

I'm perfectly happy marking Fixed Released for bugs that only existed
in trunk.

I would actually go far enough to say that most Critical bugs are
going to be of this form. Because it is sort of "we cannot release
with this bug" which almost always means it is a regression vs the
last release.

> I have previously downgraded bugs to high when the fix hit trunk,
> or if the fix was delivered in a stable point release. I don't like
> this practice because it looks like critical importance was used 
> deceptively. Since we review all the open bugs to write release
> notes, we are constantly re-reading bugs that don't affect anyone
> who will get the release.

I think this falls more into "do we remove the milestone target if the
fix was done in trunk". Or are you thinking you don't have to worry
about Fix Released bugs when you are going over the milestone list?

I actually like to have milestones in that it gives you a quick
indication of when the bug existed, but I realize Launchpad doesn't
have "Infestations" to track where the bug exists, vs where it was fixed.

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