
Mike Sam mikesam460 at
Sun Aug 25 21:52:40 UTC 2013

I have a question around how RelationList cmd works specially on a peer
relation. I have seen it that although you may deploy multiple units
together (with -n on deploy), the relationlist may not return all of the
deployed units on the first calls on its relation change hook. I am
guessing maybe the units who are not showing up have not processed their
join hook yet or something in that nature.

1> What does relationlist actually return? Are they the relations set at
the deploy step? Are they the relations which have at least executed their
join hook?

2> How can you guarantee at relation change hook step that relationlist can
get a complete list of the units participating in the relation and have
already processed their join hook before processing their the
relation-changed hook?

3> You need the above in situation where you need to do automatic master
election among your units. Any better way to do this without relationlist?

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