Failing to bootstrap at all on raring

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Mon Apr 22 09:55:55 UTC 2013

Hi all,

У пет, 19. 04 2013. у 17:53 +0200, Dimiter Naydenov пише:
> As for the other issue - the change to goamz danilos proposed fixes that
> as well on 1.0.2.

> Roger, can you make sure that fix lands? Thanks!

Just to provide some closure on this: we have double checked and
confirmed that the issue is worked around by removing items from the
control bucket for juju-core (by removing older releases).

For the time being, we are going to go with this workaround.  I have
built golang 1.0.2 with another patch needed to fix the root cause, but
I haven't tested it yet:


We may want to push this to raring (and definitely future rolling ubuntu


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