Release notes for 1.9.14 release

Mark Ramm mark.ramm-christensen at
Tue Apr 16 17:01:57 UTC 2013

On Tue 16 Apr 2013 06:37:40 AM EST, David Cheney wrote:
> Hello,
> Now the dependency issues for mongodb/quantal have been resolved, I'll
> be aiming to release 1.9.14 tomorrow morning (Wednesday in AU).
> Sorry for the short notice, could you please review the release notes
> available below.
> Cheers
> Dave

I took a pass through the items in the kanban "merged column" and added 
a few more items to the release notes, as well as updating some of the 
existing notes to focus a bit more on how the change impacts juju users.

Hopefully the updated notes are helpful.

Dave, when the release happens, can you also go into the kanban board 
and move all the items from merged to released? (you can right-click on 
the column header and move them all at once.)


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