Juju packaging status

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Apr 12 04:05:41 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1


> What we have left to resolve seem to be open questions about how
> we should be packaging go applications in ubuntu. The current go 
> packaging doesn't build with the standard process, it expects
> several source branches to be included as per the recipe: 
> <https://code.launchpad.net/~dave-cheney/+recipe/juju-core>

My understanding from earlier conversations is that we *didn't* have
to solve the "go packaging standard process" for juju at this time. It
is a large semi-controversial process because of how the archive
builders do things and the default-static-linking nature of go.

But *today* there is only 1 package that wants to be built for go, so
it is not particularly helpful to say that you can't have it in the
archive until the potential issues with packaging are solved.

> What should be be doing instead? Separate debian packaging for each
> go source dependency does not seem practical at present. Daviey
> asked earlier about using gccgo to avoid the static linking issue,
> which none of the juju team have been testing with, so does not
> seem like it would improve quality at present.

I believe putting everything into the source tarball and building the
stack was the current solution, and it was expected that would be
sufficient for the Raring release.

Note, if the answer is "we can't put this in the archive", then we
just fall back to still building everything from one tarball in a PPA.
And it sounds like users end up with the disadvantage here.


> Given the limited time we have to resolve this, it seems we either 
> need help from the server team to bring the go juju package into a 
> state that ubuntu developers can live with for this release, or
> will should reevaluate what we're including in the archive for
> raring. Daviey kindly offered to review any package we propose this
> week, but I feel neither Dave or I have the expertise to resolve
> the outstanding issues.
> Martin

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