Goose authors, issue 4454 is fixed

Clint Byrum clint at
Fri Nov 30 17:08:26 UTC 2012

Excerpts from David Cheney's message of 2012-11-30 00:04:04 -0800:
> Does this mean we need to revisit Tuesdays decision to use the 
> precise/quantal provided Go and move up to trunk ?    

Its a question of what costs more, and where are the users at:

Cost options are backporting new golangs to precise, or maintaining code
to workaround this issue.  Users will be spread out among Ubuntu 12.04,
12.10, 13.04, OS X, Debian/Fedora/, perhaps even Windows.

IMO, this will come up quite a bit over the next 18 months, and even
more over the next 4 years (precise's supported lifetime). Taking a
strong stance on the baseline go version for each major release, and
sticking to it, will ease adoption and user contribution.

At some point you have to start doing things for today's users, instead
of for tomorrow's.

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