weekly team meeting

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Nov 6 05:36:17 UTC 2012

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On 11/6/2012 4:39 AM, David Cheney wrote:
> Hello,
> By my calendar we have a team meeting for noon GMT, however Gustavo
> is on vacation and Mark is most likely traveling, or enjoying the
> few hours respite between traveling so neither is expected to
> attend.
> Can I get an idea how many people will be attending this meeting ?

I would be willing to go, but our group is still finishing up MaaS
this week as well. I'm happy delaying to next week.


> If quorum is not reached, I would suggest that we skip the meeting
> and discuss any urgent issues in this email thread.
> From my POV I want to get more people testing Juju, which means
> resolving the issues around deploying from Quantal clients to
> Precise cloud images, then either releasing 1.9.2, or documenting
> the instructions to build from source.
> I am also interested in the status of Mongo/TLS work. I was
> concerned to hear there are possibly licensing issues which mean we
> might not be able to use our own version of Mongo. Who is managing
> this issue ? Is there an LP # for it ?
> Cheers
> Dave

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