[ANN] juju-core 1.9.1 has been released

Brandon Holtsclaw me at brandonholtsclaw.com
Fri Nov 2 08:16:59 UTC 2012

Excerpts from David Cheney's message of 2012-11-01 06:33:32 -0700:

> > juju-core 1.9.1
> > ===============
> >
> > A new experimental release of Juju, juju-core 1.9.1 is now available for
> > testing. This is first release of the Go port of Juju and should be
> > considered _experimental_.
> >

Rocking !

> > Getting Juju
> > ------------
> >
> > juju-core 1.9.1 is available from the Gophers PPA
> >
> > https://code.launchpad.net/~gophers/+archive/go
> >

Any known build gotcha's or tips you may have that I should look out for
when updating the OSX, RPM, and Windows Ports ?

> > * Experimental support for upgrading a Juju environment. This will allow
> > Juju itself to be upgraded inside a running environment. See the juju
> > upgrade-juju command.

Whom would be the best to chat with this feature about ? My concern is that
the OSX build will not be able to be placed onto the Mac App Store due to a
policy that forbids self updating applications , while I know this is not
a priority for the core Go juju developers , it would be nice to work out a
clean way to keep this feature out of the OSX build via ./configure type
option from the start IMHO rather than later.

> * juju-core 1.9.1 only supports EC2 as a provider. You may need to
> > remove custom configuration items from your environments.yaml to produce
> > a configuration file that juju-core 1.9.1 accepts.

Is there any documentation on the community developers helping add new
provider plugins ( assuming due to a providers nature that they are
indeed pluggable ). I imagine even a simple doc about it would go a long
way to bring us in parity and beyond that of pyjuju.

Awesome work everyone on this major milestone! Its been a long road but not
much worth doing is easy, congrats :)

Brandon Holtsclaw
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