[ANN] juju-core 1.9.1 has been released

David Cheney david.cheney at canonical.com
Thu Nov 1 17:04:47 UTC 2012

Thank you to the astute folks who have discovered that juju-core 1.9.1 
only works if you are deploying from _precise_ to _precise_. This is an 
artefact of the way the development process works (we have to create a 
new set of development tools for every bootstrap in development mode) 
which ties the series of the workstation to the target environment.

This is #1074064 and is targeted to be resolved by 1.9.2. If anyone is 
very keen please contact me offlist to try to work around the problem 
with 1.9.1.

Apologies for not mentioning this rather important detail in the release 



On 02/11/12 00:33, David Cheney wrote:
> juju-core 1.9.1
> ===============
> A new experimental release of Juju, juju-core 1.9.1 is now available for
> testing. This is first release of the Go port of Juju and should be
> considered _experimental_.
> Getting Juju
> ------------
> juju-core 1.9.1 is available from the Gophers PPA
> https://code.launchpad.net/~gophers/+archive/go
> New and Notable
> ---------------
> In addition to the port from Python to Go, this release includes several
> important improvements
> * The Juju state is now implemented in MongoDB. This replaces ZooKeeper
> and provides the underlying foundation for making the state highly
> available.
> * Experimental support for upgrading a Juju environment. This will allow
> Juju itself to be upgraded inside a running environment. See the juju
> upgrade-juju command.
> * Internally all Juju agents incorporate the concept of a lifecycle. The
> lifecycle is a reliable way to manage the death and removal of resources
> in a predictable manner. For instance, the stop hook now works as expected.
> Known bugs and limitations
> --------------------------
> As this is the first release of Juju in Go there are a large number of
> features which are still to be implemented. A non exhaustive list of
> known issues is as follows.
> * juju-core 1.9.1 only supports EC2 as a provider. You may need to
> remove custom configuration items from your environments.yaml to produce
> a configuration file that juju-core 1.9.1 accepts.
> * us-east-1 is the most reliable region to deploy into. Due to subtle
> differences in the EC2 regions, juju bootstrap may fail when creating
> the control bucket. This is issue #1042107, the current workaround is to
> use us-east-1.
> * The juju-core package currently cannot be installed in parallel with
> juju 0.5/0.6 due to conflicting ownership of /usr/bin/juju (and others).
> This may be mitigated in the future with alternatives.
> * destroy-service is not yet implemented. As a workaround you can remove
> all the units assigned to a service. This is issue #1027878.
> * remove-unit currently does not cause the underlying instance to shut
> down. This somewhat reduces the usefulness of the previous workaround.
> #1067127
> * Constraints are not yet implemented. #1027873
> * Subordinate charms are not yet implemented.
> We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
> juju-dev at lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.
> Dave Cheney
> On behalf of the Juju team
> https://launchpad.net/juju-core

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