eod status 27-jun-2012

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo.niemeyer at canonical.com
Thu Jun 28 07:33:31 UTC 2012

> I have one *significant* branch out for review:

Very nice refactoring, thanks William.

> evidence for this, I would like to observe that it was only after making
> the change that it became clear that most of the watchers just don't
> bother checking whether a given content change actually represents a
> real change in state.

I don't understand this. I see most of the watchers necessarily doing
diffing since they have to deliver a delta only. How can they possibly
not be considering whether the change is real?

> Ofc, if other considerations intrude, I have plenty of interesting bugs
> related to deploy that I can work on tomorrow, so don't feel too
> pressured :).

Thanks again. I have missed just one branch from you and one from
Frank, but otherwise all reviewed.

gustavo @ http://niemeyer.net

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