agent upgrading

Kapil Thangavelu kapil.thangavelu at
Tue Jun 12 12:29:58 UTC 2012

why not support both? ie. machine monitoring global version and local
version setting. that avoids O(n) changes for upgrading an env, while
supporting individual machine upgrades for testing.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Gustavo Niemeyer <
gustavo.niemeyer at> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:07 PM, roger peppe <roger.peppe at>
> wrote:
> > Client:
> >        - Push new version of tools.
> >        - Set new global version number in state.
> >
> > Machine agent:
> >        - Wait for global version to change.
> That's slightly different from what we discussed in London. There's a
> global setting which contains the recommended version, but the machine
> agent is not monitoring it. It is monitoring a flag on its own
> settings that tell the version it is supposed to be running. That's
> pretty much the same complexity in terms of implementation, but gives
> us the freedom to upgrade individual machines independently for
> testing purposes.
> > I think we should be able to do better than this. The problem is with
> > the "exit and let upstart start new version" step - that means that if
> > we happen to upload a broken version, then everything instantly breaks
> > and needs manually restoring.
> >
> > Here are some desirable features for an upgrade facility:
> >
> >        1. Uploading a broken tool shouldn't break anything.
> >        2. ... even for a short while.
> >        3. We shouldn't rely too heavily on upstart, given the possiblity
> >        of ports to systems without upstart.
> That feels like pretty poor motivation. 1 and 2 are impossible to
> achieve, and 3 is also being misrepresented. It's not about supporting
> upstart.. it's about simply dying and coming back up again, which
> should be in place no matter what is responsible for starting the
> process.
> I'd like to bring back the two critical points that were written in
> the whiteboard in London when we met a week ago.
> These are our short term goals:
> 1) Permit agents to restart, so that we don't drive development making
> silly assumptions about things that can't die
> 2) Drive development faster, by permitting developers to iterate over
> a running environment
> This is easy to achieve with the scheme we debated, and as far as I
> can see the development of it is a fantastic step to any further
> improvements we end up needing down the road, even if that goes into
> the direction that you described.
> If that's the case, I suggest we move forward with simple steps
> towards that. If that's not the case, can we please focus on why
> that's not the case rather than proposing another solution from the
> ground up?
> gustavo @
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