mod-status 16-jul-2012

William Reade william.reade at
Mon Jul 16 10:47:52 UTC 2012

I am gracefully bowing aside on the environs config code, which I think
rogpeppe has a much nicer approach to than mine ended up being; I hope
it finds favour.

I've dusted off an older branch:

  * watch-presence-children at

    ...which I think is now solid;

and I have two more pipelined after it:

  * relation-units-watcher at

    ...which is a little involved, but I'm pretty certain does
    exactly what we need, in the rest of the unit agent; and:

  * relation-unit at

    ...which is surprisingly simple, IMO, for a pretty fundamental piece
    of the unit agent. (*Unit)AgentJoin(*Relation) gives back a
    *RelationUnit which gives access to:

      * a settings Config node the owner can use to change relation
        unit settings
      * a Changes chan which notifies of settings changes and unit
        departures (potential unit joins are implicit in settings
        changes) in the rest of the relation
      * Depart and Abscond methods for stopping the watches and
        departing the relation (respectively by deleting or abandoning
        the presence node).

I'll be reviewing for a bit once I've got Laura back from nursery, and
I'm also getting somewhat irritated by the sporadic ContentWatcher
failure and may take a look at that at some point while I await verdicts
on what I have proposed.


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