[ubuntu/impish-proposed] secure-delete 3.1-7 (Accepted)

Logan Rosen loganrosen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 01:42:11 UTC 2021

secure-delete (3.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * QA upload.
  * Set Debian QA Group as maintainer. (see: #994645)
  * Migrations:
      - DebSrc to 3.0 (quilt).
      - DH level to new format. Consequently:
          ~ debian/compat: removed.
          ~ debian/control: changed from 'debhelper' to 'debhelper-compat' in
            Build-Depends field and bumped level to 13.
      - debian/copyright to 1.0 format.
      - debian/rules to new (reduced) format.
  * Converted direct changes in upstream source code to patches. The new
    patches are:
      - 010_changes-Makefile.patch
      - 020_fix-strip.patch
      - 030_rename-smem-sdmem.patch
      - 040_fix-srm-several-files.patch
      - 050_fix-spelling-manpages.patch (Closes: #720310)
      - 060_fix-spelling-sdmem-manpage.patch (Closes: #720310)
      - 070_new-fix-srm.patch
  * debian/control:
      - Added Homepage field.
      - Added 'Rules-Requires-Root: no' to source stanza.
      - Bumped Standards-Version to
      - Created VCS fields.
      - Improved long description.
  * debian/man/srm.fr.1: French manpage. Thanks to intrigeri
    <intrigeri at debian.org>. (Closes: #557967)
  * debian/manpages: created to install the manpages.
  * debian/patches/:
      - 010_changes-Makefile.patch: changed to use the variables DESTDIR and
      - 080_use-GCC-flags.patch: created to improve the hardening via GCC.
      - 090_fix-variable.patch: created to use 'long unsigned int' instead
        of 'int'.
      - 100_fix-typo-sdmem.patch: created to fix a typo in final binary sdmem.
        (Closes: #805860)
  * debian/rules: added an override to fix a FTCBFS. Thanks to Helmut Grohne.
    (Closes: #877608)
  * debian/salsa-ci.yml: added to provide CI tests for Salsa.
  * debian/tests/control: created to provide some CI tests.
  * debian/upstream/metadata: created.
  * debian/watch:
      - Bumped to version 4.
      - Updated the search rule.

Date: 2021-09-20 10:35:26.588924+00:00
Signed-By: Logan Rosen <loganrosen at gmail.com>
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