Accepted asterisk 1:1.0.6-2 (source)

Daniel Holbach dh at
Wed Mar 16 03:40:03 CST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Wed,  16 Mar 2005 09:34:09 +0000
Source: asterisk
Binary: asterisk-web-vmail, asterisk-doc, asterisk-config, asterisk-gtk-console, asterisk-dev, asterisk, asterisk-h323, asterisk-sounds-main
Architecture: source
Version: 1:1.0.6-2
Distribution: hoary
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Debian VoIP Team <pkg-voip-maintainers at>
Changed-By: Daniel Holbach <dh at>
 asterisk   - open source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
Closes: 259342 263879 266805 270072 279052 281690 284889 287025 287456 287851 287851 288429 288831 293124 293990 295220 295658 296656 296967 297719 298128 298769
 asterisk (1:1.0.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * fixed location of sounds dir in addmailbox (Closes: #298769)
 asterisk (1:1.0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release. (asterisk 1.0.6, bristuff RC7k, Closes: #298128)
   * debian/control: explicitly depend on zlib1g-dev. (Closes: #296967)
   * Make sure we have the newer asterisk-config to not conflict
     /etc/default/asterisk. (Closes: #297719)
   * as there is no longer a conflict with libnewt-dev, it was added to the
     build deps for astman
   * debian/control: add astman and cdr_sqlite (Closes: #259342)
   * asterisk.default, asterisk.init: removed hack to load zaphfc correctly.
     We'll leave this to zaptel and it's modprobe.d features.
 asterisk (1:1.0.5-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/00list,debian/control: Enable bristuff RC7f by default.
   * debian/asterisk.init, debian/asterisk.default: Cleanup zaphfc preloading
     as inspired by Tzafrir Cohen.
   * debian/control: Remove speex as B-D, it's broken when imported from
     debian. Added autotools-dev for editline.
   * deiban/rules: fix asterisk.8.gz error in lintian. Bring new autotools for
     editline's configure.
   * reintroduce chan_zap (Closes: #296656)
 asterisk (1:1.0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/08_debian-zaptel.dpatch, debian/control: fixed zaptel.h
     include to take zaptel-source's version.
   * debian/patches/97_bristuff.dpatch:
     include bristuff from (not enabled by default now, would
     close: #286797). We need libpri and zaptel with bristuff patch first.
   * 18_debian-libedit.dpatch: removed due to command history problem.
   * debian/asterisk.init: Added grace timeout of 2 secs before hard shutting
     down running daemons to don't scatter incorrect warnings. Don't run the
     asterisk daemon unless RUNASTERISK=yes. (Will not bind ports from chroots)
   * debian/asterisk-config.default: Disabled autostart - especially when
     installing in chroots this was quite annoying.
   * debian/rules: Remove the asterisk.8.gz recompression. (Closes: #295220)
   * debian/README.Debian: Added first version. Thanks to Tzafrir Cohen for the
     template! (Closes: #270072)
   * debian/asterisk.deafult: moved the /etc/default to the asterisk package,
     as /etc/init.d/asterisk in there needs it.
   * debian/80_skinny.dpatch: Added Thanks to Johan
     Thelmén <johan.thelmen at>. (Closes:#295658)
   * debian/control: remove chan_h323 from being built for now. For now it's
     being replaced by asterisk-oh323 until chan_h323 does build and work ok
     with latest OpenH323 again.
 asterisk (1:1.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Debian VoIP Team upload.
   * asterisk.init, asterisk-config.default: probably fixed start-as-user-with-
   * patches/40_initgroups.dpatch: added patch from Florian Weimer
     <fw at>. Thanks! (Closes: #293124)
   * debian/postinst: Make asterisk user's home /var/lib/asterisk upon user
   * debian/control: Bump libpri build-depends to 1.0.4-1. (Closes: #293990)
 asterisk (1:1.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Debian VoIP Team upload.
   * New upstream release.
   * Kilian Krause:
     - debian/asterisk.init: fixed multiple GID problem when starting asterisk (as
       reported by Raoul Bönisch and Simon Peter). Unfortunatelly this does
       remove the chance to run as real-time prio.
     - debian/asterisk.init: fixed stale stop by using start-stop-server after
       soft shutdown (Closes: #263879)
     - debian/asterisk.init: Fixed running as root problem for #279052. At least
       through the /etc/init.d/asterisk you won't be able to run asterisk as
       root (not even with another username). (Closes: #279052)
     - debian/asterisk.init: Added switch to run asterisk via safe_asterisk
       optionally for automatic restart (Closes: #266805)
     - debian/patches/01_security_hotfix_287851.dpatch: Removed, as is
       incorporated in 1.0.4 upstream release.
   * Jose Carlos
     - debian/rules: add a check at build time for fpm sounds. If they exist,
       abort, as we must remember to remove those from sources in each new
       upstream release.
     - debian/patches: 20_Makefile.dpatch: updated 
 asterisk (1:1.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Apply missing 25_subdirs_Makefile patch. 
 asterisk (1:1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Debian VoIP Team upload.
   * New upstream version. (Closes: #284889)
   * Kilian Krause:
     - ACK NMU. (Thanks Steve!):
       + debian/patches/01_security_hotfix_287851.dpatch: Patched to
         fix logging strings vulnerability. (Closes: #287851)
   * Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
     - Using again dpatch.
     - debian/patches: populated with different patches.
     - 08_debian-zaptel: Using zaptel.h file from version 1:1.0.0-2 of
       zaptel-source package.
     - removed sounds licensed from FreePlayMusic from source,
       as the license for them is not DFSG compliant (Closes: #288429)
     - applied patch to make asterisk compile on amd64 with 
       gcc-4.0 (Closes: #288831)
     - debian/asterisk.init:
       + Changed how daemon is restarted in init file. (Closes: #287025)
       + Using -r in checks in init file. (Closes: #287456)
     - debian/asterisk-config.default
       + Run by default as group asterisk.
     - Fix some lintian warnings and errors:
       + Description: should start with lowercase letter.
       + Bumped Standars-Version to 3.6.1. No changes needed.
       + Removed duplicate dependencies.
       + Recompress asterisk.8 manpage with max level (--best option)
 asterisk (1:1.0.2-3.1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * High-urgency upload for sarge-targetted RC bugfix
   * Fix multiple format string vulnerabilities, reported by Jan
     Niehusmann.  Closes: #287851.
 cfe40a6624ca14df92cd905983ce2f10 1212 comm optional asterisk_1.0.6-2.dsc
 ccefd84f11e86b7dabffa7102a5d8eb3 67166 comm optional asterisk_1.0.6-2.diff.gz
 ccd09335e15bdef050136a2e894f6959 2927164 comm optional asterisk_1.0.6.orig.tar.gz
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/universe/a/asterisk/asterisk_1.0.6-2.diff.gz
  to pool/universe/a/asterisk/asterisk_1.0.6-2.dsc
  to pool/universe/a/asterisk/asterisk_1.0.6.orig.tar.gz

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