Accepted xorg 6.8.2-1 (source)

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at
Mon Feb 28 17:35:25 CST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 13:16:51 +1100
Source: xorg
Binary: libxkbui1 libxtst6-dbg xserver-common xlibs-static-dev libxp6-dbg libxevie-dev libdmx-dev libxevie1 libice6-dbg xmh xorg-common libxaw6-dbg libdmx1-dbg x-dev libxv1 libxext6-dbg libxau6-dbg libxxf86vm1-dbg libxpm4 libxtst6 libxxf86dga-dev xfonts-cyrillic libx11-6 libsm6-dbg xlibs-pic xlibs-data libxdamage1 xlibmesa3 libxv1-dbg libxss-dev libxkbfile1 xdmx libxrandr2 xlibmesa-glu xnest libxdamage1-dbg libxaw6 xterm libxres1 xlibmesa-dri-dbg libxrandr2-dbg libxmu6 libxau6 libxxf86misc-dev libxxf86misc1-dbg libx11-dev xlibs-static-pic libxpm4-dbg libxmu6-dbg libxaw7-dbg pm-dev libxss1-dbg libxmuu-dev libxss1 libxext6 xserver-xorg libxtst-dev libxxf86rush1-dbg libxp-dev libxevie1-dbg libice6 libxmu-dev xlibs libdps-dev libxrandr-dev proxymngr libxcomposite1 libxxf86rush-dev libxvmc-dev xfonts-base-transcoded x-window-system-core xutils xspecs libxtrap6 libxxf86vm-dev libxt-dev libxkbui-dev libxi6-dbg xfonts-base xlibs-dbg libxpm-dev xfonts-100dpi-transcoded libxinerama1-dbg libxtrap-dev libxaw8 xlibosmesa-dev xlibosmesa4 libxkbfile1-dbg xdm libxt6-dbg libxi6 libx11-6-dbg libxaw8-dbg xbase-clients xserver-xorg-dbg libxxf86rush1 libxdmcp6 xlibmesa3-dbg libxtrap6-dbg libxt6 xfonts-75dpi libxres1-dbg libxdmcp-dev xlibmesa-dev libxvmc1-dbg xlibmesa-gl-dev libfs-dev x-window-system libxcomposite1-dbg xfree86-common xlibmesa-dri libxaw7-dev libxxf86dga1 libxaw8-dev libxp6 libxkbui1-dbg xlibmesa-glu-dbg libdmx1 libxinerama-dev xlibmesa-glu-dev libxv-dev libxxf86misc1 twm x-window-system-dev libxres-dev libsm-dev xfonts-scalable libdps1-dbg libxmuu1-dbg libxinerama1 xfwp libxfixes3 libxdamage-dev libsm6 libdps1 libxxf86dga1-dbg libxxf86vm1 libxfixes3-dbg libxaw6-dev lbxproxy libfs6-dbg libxvmc1 libxfixes-dev libice-dev libxkbfile-dev libxmuu1 xfs libxau-dev xlibmesa-gl xfonts-100dpi libxext-dev xfonts-75dpi-transcoded xlibosmesa4-dbg libxcomposite-dev xprt libxi-dev xvfb libxdmcp6-dbg libxaw7 libfs6 xlibmesa-gl-dbg xlibs-dev
Architecture: source
Version: 6.8.2-1
Distribution: hoary
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu X Maintainers <ubuntu-devel at>
Changed-By: Daniel Stone <daniel.stone at>
 lbxproxy   - Low Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server
 libdmx-dev - Distributed Multihead X client library development files
 libdmx1    - Distributed Multihead X client library
 libdmx1-dbg - Distributed Multihead X client library (unstripped)
 libdps-dev - Display PostScript (DPS) client library development files
 libdps1    - Display PostScript (DPS) client library
 libdps1-dbg - Display PostScript (DPS) client library (unstripped)
 libfs-dev  - X Font Server library development files
 libfs6     - X Font Server library
 libfs6-dbg - X Font Server library (unstripped)
 libice-dev - Inter-Client Exchange library development files
 libice6    - Inter-Client Exchange library
 libice6-dbg - Inter-Client Exchange library (unstripped)
 libsm-dev  - X Window System Session Management library development files
 libsm6     - X Window System Session Management library
 libsm6-dbg - X Window System Session Management library (unstripped)
 libx11-6   - X Window System protocol client library
 libx11-6-dbg - X Window System protocol client library (unstripped)
 libx11-dev - X Window System protocol client library development files
 libxau-dev - X Authentication library development files
 libxau6    - X Authentication library
 libxau6-dbg - X Authentication library (unstripped)
 libxaw6    - X Athena widget set library (version 6)
 libxaw6-dbg - X Athena widget set library (version 6, unstripped)
 libxaw6-dev - X Athena widget set library development files (version 6)
 libxaw7    - X Athena widget set library
 libxaw7-dbg - X Athena widget set library (unstripped)
 libxaw7-dev - X Athena widget set library development files
 libxaw8    - X Athena widget set library
 libxaw8-dbg - X Athena widget set library (unstripped)
 libxaw8-dev - X Athena widget set library development files
 libxcomposite-dev - X off-screen compositing library development files
 libxcomposite1 - X off-screen compositing library
 libxcomposite1-dbg - X off-screen compositing library (unstripped)
 libxdamage-dev - X region 'damage' library development files
 libxdamage1 - X region 'damage' library
 libxdamage1-dbg - X region 'damage' library (unstripped)
 libxdmcp-dev - X Display Manager Control Protocol library development files
 libxdmcp6  - X Display Manager Control Protocol library
 libxdmcp6-dbg - X Display Manager Control Protocol library (unstripped)
 libxevie-dev - X EVent Interception Extension library development files
 libxevie1  - X EVent Interception Extension library
 libxevie1-dbg - X EVent Interception Extension library (unstripped)
 libxext-dev - X Window System miscellaneous extension library development files
 libxext6   - X Window System miscellaneous extension library
 libxext6-dbg - X Window System miscellaneous extension library (unstripped)
 libxfixes-dev - X Window System miscellaneous 'fixes' library development files
 libxfixes3 - X Window System miscellaneous 'fixes' library
 libxfixes3-dbg - X Window System miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library (unstripp
 libxi-dev  - X Window System Input extension library development files
 libxi6     - X Window System Input extension library
 libxi6-dbg - X Window System Input extension library (unstripped)
 libxinerama-dev - X Window System multi-head display library development files
 libxinerama1 - X Window System multi-head display library
 libxinerama1-dbg - X Window System multi-head display library (unstripped)
 libxkbfile-dev - X Keyboard Extension file parsing library development files
 libxkbfile1 - X Keyboard Extension file parsing library
 libxkbfile1-dbg - X Keyboard Extension file parsing library (unstripped)
 libxkbui-dev - X Keyboard Extension user interface library development files
 libxkbui1  - X Keyboard Extension user interface library
 libxkbui1-dbg - X Keyboard Extension user interface library (unstripped)
 libxmu-dev - X Window System miscellaneous utility library development files
 libxmu6    - X Window System miscellaneous utility library
 libxmu6-dbg - X Window System miscellaneous utility library (unstripped)
 libxmuu-dev - lightweight X Window System miscellaneous utility library develop
 libxmuu1   - lightweight X Window System miscellaneous utility library
 libxmuu1-dbg - lightweight X Window System miscellaneous utility library (unstri
 libxp-dev  - X Window System printing extension library development files
 libxp6     - X Window System printing extension library
 libxp6-dbg - X Window System printing extension library (unstripped)
 libxpm-dev - X pixmap library development files
 libxpm4    - X pixmap library
 libxpm4-dbg - X pixmap library (unstripped)
 libxrandr-dev - X Window System Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension library d
 libxrandr2 - X Window System Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension library
 libxrandr2-dbg - X Window System Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension library (
 libxres-dev - X Window System resource measurement library development files
 libxres1   - X Window System resource measurement library
 libxres1-dbg - X Window System resource measurement library (unstripped)
 libxss-dev - X Screen Saver development files
 libxss1    - X Screen Saver client-side library
 libxss1-dbg - X Screen Saver client-side library (unstripped)
 libxt-dev  - X Toolkit Intrinsics development files
 libxt6     - X Toolkit Intrinsics
 libxt6-dbg - X Toolkit Intrinsics (unstripped)
 libxtrap-dev - X Window System protocol-trapping extension library development f
 libxtrap6  - X Window System protocol-trapping extension library
 libxtrap6-dbg - X Window System protocol-trapping extension library (unstripped)
 libxtst-dev - X Window System event recording and testing extension library dev
 libxtst6   - X Window System event recording and testing extension library
 libxtst6-dbg - X Window System event recording and testing extension library (un
 libxv-dev  - X Window System video extension library development files
 libxv1     - X Window System video extension library
 libxv1-dbg - X Window System video extension library (unstripped)
 libxvmc-dev - X Window System video motion compensation extension library devel
 libxvmc1   - X Window System video motion compensation extension library
 libxvmc1-dbg - X Window System video motion compensation extension library (unst
 libxxf86dga-dev - X Direct Graphics Access extension library development files
 libxxf86dga1 - X Direct Graphics Access extension library
 libxxf86dga1-dbg - X Direct Graphics Access extension library (unstripped)
 libxxf86misc-dev - X miscellaneous extensions library development files
 libxxf86misc1 - X miscellaneous extensions library
 libxxf86misc1-dbg - X miscellaneous extensions library (unstripped)
 libxxf86rush-dev - X Voodoo 'Rush' extension library development files
 libxxf86rush1 - X Voodoo 'Rush' extension library
 libxxf86rush1-dbg - X Voodoo 'Rush' extension library (unstripped)
 libxxf86vm-dev - X Video Mode selection library development files
 libxxf86vm1 - X Video Mode selection library
 libxxf86vm1-dbg - X Video Mode selection library (unstripped)
 pm-dev     - proxy management protocol development files
 proxymngr  - X proxy services manager
 twm        - Tab window manager
 x-dev      - X protocol development files
 x-window-system - X Window System
 x-window-system-core - X Window System core components
 x-window-system-dev - X Window System development components
 xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
 xdm        - X display manager
 xdmx       - Distributed Multi-head X server
 xfonts-100dpi - 100 dpi fonts for X
 xfonts-100dpi-transcoded - 100 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
 xfonts-75dpi - 75 dpi fonts for X
 xfonts-75dpi-transcoded - 75 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
 xfonts-base - standard fonts for X
 xfonts-base-transcoded - standard fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
 xfonts-cyrillic - Cyrillic fonts for X
 xfonts-scalable - scalable fonts for X
 xfree86-common - X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure metapackage
 xfs        - X font server
 xfwp       - X firewall proxy server
 xlibmesa-dev - X.Org Mesa development libraries transitional package
 xlibmesa-dri - Mesa 3D graphics library modules [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-dri-dbg - Mesa 3D graphics library modules (unstripped) [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-gl - Mesa 3D graphics library [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-gl-dbg - Mesa 3D graphics library (unstripped) [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-gl-dev - Mesa 3D graphics library development files [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-glu - Mesa OpenGL utility library [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-glu-dbg - Mesa OpenGL utility library (unstripped) [X.Org]
 xlibmesa-glu-dev - Mesa OpenGL utility library development files [X.Org]
 xlibmesa3  - X.Org Mesa libraries transitional package
 xlibmesa3-dbg - X.Org Mesa unstripped libraries transitional package
 xlibosmesa-dev - Mesa off-screen rendering library development files [X.Org]
 xlibosmesa4 - Mesa off-screen rendering library [X.Org]
 xlibosmesa4-dbg - Mesa off-screen rendering library (unstripped) [X.Org]
 xlibs      - X Window System client libraries metapackage and XKB data
 xlibs-data - X Window System client data
 xlibs-dbg  - X Window System unstripped client libraries transitional package
 xlibs-dev  - X Window System client library development files transitional pac
 xlibs-pic  - X.Org static PIC libraries transitional package
 xlibs-static-dev - X Window System client library development files
 xlibs-static-pic - X Window System client extension library PIC archives
 xmh        - X interface to the MH mail system
 xnest      - nested X server
 xorg-common - X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
 xprt       - X print server
 xserver-common - files and utilities common to all X servers
 xserver-xorg - the X.Org X server
 xserver-xorg-dbg - the X.Org X server (static version with debugging symbols)
 xspecs     - X protocol, extension, and library technical specifications
 xterm      - X terminal emulator
 xutils     - X Window System utility programs
 xvfb       - virtual framebuffer X server
 xorg (6.8.2-1) hoary; urgency=low
   * New upstream version (update from
     + Contains AMD64 PCIE BAR fix (closes: Ubuntu#6085).
     + Remove patches which were applied upstream, reshuffle others.
     + Rename 000_stolen_from_6.8_branch_benh_ati.diff to #022 to better
       reflect its status; it did not make 6.8.2 and will probably not make
       6.8.3, either.  Update with a fix from benh to ensure that the PLL
       dividers were always taken from the BIOS if we need to use them (closes:
     + Revert RADEONSetFBLocation() breakage that crept into 6.8.2 shortly
       before release.
     + Update Via driver from (closes: Ubuntu#6887).
     + Update i810 driver from HEAD, which fixes video artifacts among other
       things (closes: Ubuntu#5738).  CRT mode validation still broken.
   * Allow XORG_CONFIG="custom" to be passed to Debconfiscation.  Leaves
     xorg.conf alone.  Source variables from /etc/default/xorg, which doesn't
     exist by default.
   * Add some more r128 chip identifiers to our special sync range
   * Fix extraneous quoting in xvfb-run, again (closes: Ubuntu#5531).
   * Fix second TMDS head initialisation on r3xx (closes: Ubuntu#4343).
   * Ensure sync ranges are written out if we ask the user for them (closes:
   * Add 1920x1200 modes, sans sync ranges for now (closes: Ubuntu#6252).
   * Remove #031 (glxinfo_makefile) as it was incorrect, per upstream, and
     just ensure that libGLU is linked against libstdc++ instead.
   * Patches #054 and #055 (evdev keyboard/mouse): change "Device" to "Dev
     Device" in the options section.  The configuration parser thoughtfully
     puts a default of /dev/psaux for the mouse's Device, thus making it
     impossible to specify Dev Name/Dev Phys and not Device.
   * Fix numerous interactions with dpkg-reconfigure and, so it should now just preserve configuration
     changes on upgrades, and probe and write upgrades when invoked via
     dpkg-reconfigure and the first time (closes: Ubuntu#6484).
   * Silently migrate server symlink from /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg to
     /usr/bin/X11/Xorg, which should silence a few errors.
   * Strip .UTF-8 and @euro from the end of $LANG in,
     to fix the $LANG->keyboard layout problem (closes: Ubuntu#6270).
   * Change 'xfree86' to 'xorg' in keyboard ruleset template (closes:
   * Change the default bitdepth on Savage to 24 (closes: Ubuntu#6127).
   * Ensure that we prompt at priority critical if we can't properly guess the
     keyboard layout, although we shouldn't have to guess.
 462e549e8046c71a74e1fb17cc7696a8 3416 x11 optional xorg_6.8.2-1.dsc
 34cba217afe2c547e3a72657a3a27e37 49471925 x11 optional xorg_6.8.2.orig.tar.gz
 771dc7992821f00430f50a7edab16dfb 1776460 x11 optional xorg_6.8.2-1.diff.gz

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/x/xorg/xorg_6.8.2-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/x/xorg/xorg_6.8.2-1.dsc
  to pool/main/x/xorg/xorg_6.8.2.orig.tar.gz

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