Accepted: translate-toolkit 1.1.0-1 (source)

Ubuntu Installer archive at
Mon Mar 10 21:27:59 GMT 2008

 OK: translate-toolkit_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
 OK: translate-toolkit_1.1.0-1.diff.gz
 OK: translate-toolkit_1.1.0-1.dsc
     -> Component: main Section: python

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Mon,  10 Mar 2008 21:18:13 +0000
Source: translate-toolkit
Binary: translate-toolkit
Architecture: source
Version: 1.1.0-1
Distribution: hardy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Nicolas FRANCOIS (Nekral) <nicolas.francois at>
Changed-By: Matthias Klose <doko at>
 translate-toolkit - Toolkit assisting in the localization of software
Closes: 432099 451262
 translate-toolkit (1.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release. 
   * debian/control:
     + Added build dependency on python-lxml and python-elementtree for
       manpage generation
     + Added dependency on python-pysqlite2 (needed for the new cache)
     + Added recommendation for python-lxml (needed for XML processing)
     + Added recommendation for python-utidylib (needed for po2html)
     + Added recommendation for python-enchant (needed for pofilter
       -tspellcheck).  Closes: #451262
     + Added recommendation for python-elementtree (needed for odf2po)
     + Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3. No changes.
   * debian/copyright:
     + Added copyright notice.
     + Added copyright information for msghack
     + Change license link to GPL-2 (valid both for the toolkit and msghack)
   * debian/ Added msghack (needed by pocompendium).
   * debian/msghack.1: Added msghack manpage.
   * debian/rules: install msghack (needed by pocompendium).  Closes: #432099
 919c25e321e92da4e74dde4973860fb1 480000 python optional translate-toolkit_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
 20884f62ff5c75bce26329d28205a49f 11965 python optional translate-toolkit_1.1.0-1.diff.gz
 cf6c4cbed025d183228944ee855adecf 821 python optional translate-toolkit_1.1.0-1.dsc

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