Accepted reportbug-ng 0.2007.04.27 (source)

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Thu May 3 09:14:26 BST 2007

reportbug-ng 0.2007.04.27 was ACCEPTED.
	Component: universe Section: utils

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Wed,  02 May 2007 14:16:50 +0100
Source: reportbug-ng
Binary: reportbug-ng
Architecture: source
Version: 0.2007.04.27
Distribution: gutsy
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Bastian Venthur <venthur at>
Changed-By: Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <archive at>
 reportbug-ng - An easy to use alternative to Debian's classic reportbug
Closes: 414449 414488 414492 414494 414496 414582 415442 415443 415479 415568 415575 416002 416131 416132 416299 416505 416598 417861 418035 419624
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.27) unstable; urgency=high
   * Fixed bug in RE where rng sometimes fails to find all bugs in buglist.
     (Perfect example how dangerous and error prone html-parsing is)
   * Moved settings from [gui] to [general]
   * Added some unittests
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.23) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added support for new queries:
     - bugnumber (Closes: #419624)
     - package
     - maintainer at
     - src:package
     - from:submitter at (Closes: #416131)
     - severity:foo
     - tag:bar
   * Modified --help output and manpage to reflect the new queries
   * When a query returns only one valid	bug, select it and show the 
     bugreport directly
   * Lots of internal changes:
     - Major cleanup of html-parsing
     - Introduced lock to avoid race condition when writing buglist
     - Introduced some finite state machine like logic to control "submit new" 
       and "additional info" buttons depending on the search query
     - added DebianBTS.getSingleBug(nr)
     - Bugreport now contains the package the bug belongs to
     - Bugreport.__str__ now returns the packagename too
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.20) unstable; urgency=low
   * Switched from SVN to BZR, added XS-Vcs-bzr line to debian/crontrol to
     reflect that.
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.16) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added HTMLStripper.handle_charref() to fix a small HTML rendering 
   * Added shortcut "rng" linking to "reportbug-ng"
   * Added support for python's ConfigParser and provide --help and 
     --version options
   * Improved Manpage
   * Removed redundant CHANGELOG
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.13) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added support for Mutt-NG
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.07.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Don't send Version-Header when no version is given, since it 
     confuses our BTS (Closes: #417861)
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.04.07) unstable; urgency=low
   * Dropped support for opera since it does not support newlines in 
     MAILTO URLs (Closes: #418035)
   * Correctly handle HTML quotes (Closes: #415575)
   * RNG is now killable by SIGINT (Closes: #414582)
   * Added support for command line option:
       reportbug-ng foobar
     will start reportbug-ng and search for bugs of package foobar
   * Some more unicode improvements
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.29) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed some issues where I did not convert strings to unicode, before using
     them internally (Closes: #416598, #416505)
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.28) unstable; urgency=low
   * Adjusted alignment of labels in SubmitWindow
   * Colorized Bugs by severity (Closes: #416132)
   * Improved performance of filtering by hiding/showing instead of deleting/inserting
   * Improved Debian description
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.27) unstable; urgency=low
   * Usability improvements:
     - added accelerators for every button and input field
     - added Tooltips and WhatIsThis to several widgets
     - Made usage hints permanent (Closes: #415479, #414488)
   * Start browser in a new thread, since blocks if it has
     to spawn a new browser (Closes: #416299)
   * Some legacy bugs:
     - We're using .reportbug-ng since 0.2007.03.19.2 (Closes: #415443)
     - We're providing reasonable package information and the "Package:"-line
       since 0.2007.03.15 (Closes: #414496)
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.24) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added support for sylpheed-claws-gtk2 (Closes: #416002)
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.20) unstable; urgency=low
   * The "WTF did he just say GoogleMail?"-release
   * Added support for Opera, KMail, Pine and GoogleMail (Closes: #414449)
   * We save the last used MUA now and preselect it on next start
   * Internal stuff:
 	  - More generic mechanism to add new MUAs
 	  - Better quoting of URLs (Closes: #415568)
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.19.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Finally got mutt running (Closes: #415442)
     Thanks Gregor Herrmann for sending the patch!
   * Improved handling of sylpheed and sylpheed-claws
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.19) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added getSourceName, but don't use it for now since bugreports for source 
     package reveal too many false positives (try "kate" and you'll get all bugs 
     from kdebase)
   * Greatly improved speed while fetching version of installed packages a 
     package depends on by just calling dpkg once with all packages as param
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.17) unstable; urgency=low
   * improved system information, apt-policy now shows all sources not just
     the official ones
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.15) unstable; urgency=low
   * Replaced TextList with a Table
   * Now we also show severity and status of a bug in the overview
   * Fixed a race condition in loadBugreport
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.14) unstable; urgency=low
   * Provide Debian menu entry
   * Added HTMLStripper, stripping unwanted tags (img) to silence qtextbrowser warnin 
     (Closes: #414492)
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.13) unstable; urgency=low
   * .desktop file for better Menu integration
   * Improved Package Information
   * Use some threading to make UI snappier while downloading with urllib 
     (Closes: #414494)
   * Made image-links clickable
   * improved handling of sys.path
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.11) unstable; urgency=low
   * Made patch-, l10n- and security-tags available
   * We provide now some useful package information
 reportbug-ng (0.2007.03.10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial Release.
 f8d2ae94100e660d6ac443b35d52c38a 628 utils extra reportbug-ng_0.2007.04.27.dsc
 063a70a5c18813eaf2b581189a7a5e8b 27285 utils extra reportbug-ng_0.2007.04.27.tar.gz

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