Accepted doom-package 15 (source)
Ubuntu Installer
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Sat Jun 16 13:34:51 BST 2007
doom-package 15 was ACCEPTED.
Component: multiverse Section: games
Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 13:24:52 +0100
Source: doom-package
Binary: doom-package
Architecture: source
Version: 15
Distribution: gutsy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel at>
Changed-By: Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <archive at>
doom-package - Installer for Doom data files
Closes: 280045 326813
doom-package (15) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial upload. Closes: #280045, #326813.
* update comments in make-wad-package (thanks Ben Hutchings)
* remove dummy md5sum and doom2.wad file from package
(thanks Ben Hutchings)
* auto-generate md5sums in the doom2-wad .deb on build
* remove binutils dependency
* use Build-Depends, not -Indep (thanks Ben Hutchings)
* make-wad-package is a bash script (not sh, yet)
* clarify copyright (GPL-2)
* use fakeroot again (or doom2-wad will unpack with the wrong uid)
* manually adjust perms in doom2-wad (unpacked source might be mangled)
[Ben Hutchings <ben at>]
* added quoting of error messages so the usage message looks right
* added quoting of working directory just in case it has a space in it
doom-package (14) unstable; urgency=low
* restructure internal package to use dpkg-deb
rather than dpkg-buildpackage (similar to the
internal work on make-wad-package)
* ensure doom2-wad .deb is in section non-free
* clarify copyright in doom2-wad
doom-package (13) unstable; urgency=low
* big restructuring: use dpkg-deb a lot
* calculate correct Installed-Size
doom-package (12) unstable; urgency=low
* do not invoke dpkg, save deb in CWD instead
* thus, do not check for or require root
* quote a few more variables
* change maintainer
* update version of internal package
* make BINDIR /usr/games
doom-package (11) unstable; urgency=low
* fix "doom-data" in doom2-wad postinst
doom-package (10) unstable; urgency=low
* do not use a zero-file to pad .deb for file-size reasons
* update doom2-wad version in Makefile
* a few further maintainer changes
* fix references to "doom-data" in make-wad-package
* put manpage in section 6 (in-line with other doom packages)
* menu-entry: Games/Arcade (in-line with other doom packages)
* parameterize (slightly) doom2-wad package version
doom-package (9) unstable; urgency=low
* package renamed from doom-data to doom-package
* updated maintainer field
* moved to contrib
doom-data (8) unstable; urgency=low
* reformat ./debian/copyright for line length. (thanks Stephen Quinney)
* DH_COMPAT -> ./debian/compat; synchronize level (4) with Depends:
(thanks Stephen Quinney)
doom-data (7) unstable; urgency=low
* we now provide the source to the doom2-wad deb and build it during the
package's build stage
* add a menu-entry
* debhelper 4 compatible (in _both_ rules files!)
(thanks Moritz Muehlenhoff)
* reflects policy 3.6.2 (thanks Moritz Muehlenhoff)
* non package-specific changes to changelog rather than debian/changelog
doom-data (6) unstable; urgency=low
* remove fakeroot dependency (not needed for now)
* manpage,control file: remove reference to floppy disks (we don't handle
them yet)
* control file: acknowledge that we generate a .deb for the IWAD
* make-wad-package: update usage instructions to reflect new name
doom-data (5) unstable; urgency=low
* quote arguments, for filenames with spaces
* fix echo command to honour escape characters
* renamed `doom-data' binary to `make-wad-package'
* added a manpage for make-wad-package
doom-data (4) unstable; urgency=low
* move away from using debconf and postinst stages for installing
the IWAD data
doom-data (3) unstable; urgency=low
* Minor spelling correction in postinst
doom-data (2) unstable; urgency=low
* Provides: doom-wad, so that it can be used to install a doom engine
doom-data (1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial package, heavily influenced by quake2-data
e0395212e82ad7b63358dcb2d74c70be 6994 contrib/games optional doom-package_15.tar.gz
b7411506be3feee709edbcee5fb784bc 575 contrib/games optional doom-package_15.dsc
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